Since I don't know any Finnish I put that text through Google translate. The result is in the quote. I really should have posted this in the worst story thread.
As we say here, it's clear as ink!
seven Brothers
Make Asti oravainen
lying sammalhuoneessansa;
the Hall dental sinnepä
or hunter trap
never had time.
Kammiostaan high
he watches the world piirii,
taisteloa Allans' number;
coniferous branch peace banner
upon liepoittaa.
What Aug. happy
kehtolinnas rocking!
There swing in oravainen
Armaan spruce äitinrinnas:
Metsolan kantele!
There's a nap swinging her
akkunalla miniature,
laulain birds under heaven
may her in the evening
Kultala dreams.
Krabo, please come back here and correct Google's Finnish.
And stay...
that's a lullaby.
Here's an approximate translation, not done by me, of course.
Makeasti oravainen
(Sweetly the squirrel,)
makaa sammalhuoneessansa;
(Is lying in the room of moss)
sinnepä ei Hallin hammas
- The term Hallin hammas is an odd one. Nobody seems to know what it means. I think it mainly means the teeth of a beast / hound. The reason why i believe im on a right track, is simply because then it would make sense with the next part of the song.
(A place where Halli's Teeth, )
eikä metsämiehen ansa
(Nor the trap of the woodsman)
ehtineet milloinkaan.
(Never did they reach)
Kammiostaan korkeasta
(From his lair far above)
katselee hän mailman piirii,
(He observes the world's rotation)
- Yet again, a very hard word to translate. Basicly what i believe "maailman piirii" means quite simply that life is going on. Nothing special (Correct me if im wrong people, im just guessing!)
taisteloa allans' monta;
(The many battles beneath him,)
havu-oksan rauhan-viiri
(branch of the softwood, flag of peace,)
päällänsä liepoittaa.
(fluttering above him.)
Mikä elo onnellinen
(A life so tranquil,)
keinuvassa kehtolinnas!
(swinging in a castle of craddle!)
Siellä kiikkuu oravainen
(There the squirrel lies down,)
- The word "kiikkuu" basicly means that you lie down on a ledge, or a hammock. Something to that nature, so you get the gist of what im saying.
armaan kuusen äitinrinnas:
(Near the dear mother-spruce)
- "äitirinnas" basicly means in the very near of something dear to you. the word äiti means mother, and rinnas is a basicly a more poetic way of saying breast. To put those words together, it's the very definition of being close to something near and dear to you.
Metsolan kantele soi!
(The harp of Metsola is playing!)
- Metsola is a neighborhood in the city of Kotka. But in this case i believe it simply means the forest.
Siellä torkkuu heiluhäntä
(There snoozes the swingytail,)
- Heiluhäntä quite literally means a swinging tail, it's a petname for cute animals mostly.
akkunalla pienoisella,
(on a tiny window,)
linnut laulain taivaan alla
(birds are singing in the sky,)
saattaa hänen iltasella
(escorting him in the evening,)
unien Kultalaan.
(to a slumberland of dream)
- Kultala is a word which is quite hard to translate. Kulta means gold, so basicly it means a place which is blissed. A place where eveything is fine. Usually it's combined with things that have something to do with dreams / dreaming.