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blackicmenace Veteran
Joined: 28 Nov 2016Age: 47Gender: MalePosts: 3,465Location: Sagittarius A
Not if I already won, and for the record, I am a monkey's uncle. Thank you for pointing that out.
kazanscube Veteran
Joined: 21 Sep 2015Gender: MalePosts: 26,180
I shall surpass you sir, and take that win.
TheAP Veteran
Joined: 28 Dec 2014Age: 26Gender: FemalePosts: 20,314Location: Canada
And I shall rightfully reclaim it.
Winning, I need a montage. Even Rocky had a montage. Gonna need a montage. Montage. Took Rocky's montage. Fighting harder. My Montage. Montage.
Winning so much, I'm gonna win again. Montage. What's that over there? Whoops, I won again. Montage.
I've won. You can all go home now.
There is no home left for you therefore, I win.
I'm at home right now and winning.
I win since, your unable to confirm your at home[/b]
Why would I lie about such a thing? I win.
I win, as you've been on FaceBook too much
I hardly ever go on Facebook these days. I win.
I win since it's getting near your bed time
I recently closed my Facebook account so I win twice.
I win, as it was fore told
And I said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I win. And they rejoiced for I had won, yet again, now and forever.