In Leap Frog, you make up a two-word phrase in which the first letter of each word in the phrase is either one letter before or one letter after the two words in the previous poster's phrase.
Leap Frog --> Moving Elevator (L moves forward to M; F moves back to E)
Leap Frog --> Kissing Ghosts (L moves back to K; F moves forward to G)
Leap Frog --> Morality Gangs (L moves forward to M; F moves forward to G)
Leap Frog --> Kinky Elephant (L moves back to K; F moves back to E)
There is a way to keep score in this game. After a minimum of 10 moves, if a poster can create the phrase Leap Frog again, they can give themselves 25 points, and the poster before them, who made it possible for Leap Frog to be created again, loses 15 points from their overall score. A player loses 5 points for notifying other players that it will soon be possible to create the phrase Leap Frog and any phrase that can be created which is synonymous with or similar to the phrase Leap Frog, like "Somersaulting Amphibian" or "Jumping Lizard", is awarded 10 points.
UPDATE TO SCORING GUIDELINES: Any reference to Asperger's or autism earns 1 point.
Post your score as you go along in the game so we can all be super impressed with your Leap Frog skills!! Hope you enjoy the game and have fun!
I'll get us started:
Leap Frog
Last edited by Feyhera on 19 Jul 2009, 9:44 am, edited 4 times in total.