Any sort. If there was a roleplaying section we could have proper, organized Roleplays.
Say, for example, I was mod for that sectioon. I could sticky a thread where people could post RP game ideas, whether they'd like to join a particular RP and if they'd like to GM and stuff.
I could then, once there were enough people, make a thread SPECIFICALLY for that game & PM the GM for that particular game plus the people wanting to be in it telling them the link.
I, myself, don't like people who randomly burst in on games, so being a mod, I could easily delete any posts in that thread that come from other users, so's not to disturb the game going on.
If the section grew hugely, we could have, say, 2 or 3 games going on, all stickied so that people don't have to go sifting through threads, and the rest could be random threads that are just RP related, for example "There's a new D&D coming out!" etc etc
I'm getting well excited just writing this
<b>"If something was going to happen, let it happen."</b> - Murakami, <i>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle</i> pg 66.