x_amount_of_words wrote:
Make a fake post in this thread and a member below you will troll it.
Subject: Hello
Message body: Hello WP! I am a new member here but I have never heard of AS. Can anyone tell me what this is?
(Now come up with something cruel to say to my post)
After you troll the above post you can make a new fake post or other members can continue trolling the same post.
Well allot of people when expressing the label could be interpreted as saying a** burgers (butt burgers). So I will try this for pretending reasons as you suggest.
A condition that mimics that of the nasal cavities discharge and collection of burgers and when having cold like symptoms a larger and potentially discomforting discharge of snot from both ends? This condition can effect social interaction due to discomfort and the inability to make peer relationship due to the smell of burger and snot like discharge that is quite smelly unlike the discharge from the nose? Seeming this condition is growing in awareness pity is not well received by those that suffer from this condition due to the name association of burgers and the butt? In closed rooms with a lack of ventilation and in situations like busy elevators when the condition is not even heightened at the time it is greatly effecting the environment and those within it. Sufferers of this irritable bowl like disorder may avoid social contact due to what seems like a lack of interest and are prone to anxiety from one situation and environment to another due to the condition?
That seems mean. I suppose humor is good. Yet this might be going to far.
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.