November 13, 2893
The days grow colder with the onset of winter here. We are uncomfortable and sluggish in our response to changes in the fighting. We hole up in tunnels and safe houses like the homeless, trying to stay out of the streets and the cold as much as possible. Almost nightly, the Alliance conducts raids on our installations, flushing the occupants out into the open, slaughtering them before they have a chance to run for cover. Young men and women fighting and killing and dying in the name of a cause which at times seems almost completely forgotten in the bloodshed and sacrifice.
We are no longer the social visionaries and leaders we originally meant ourselves to be. The war has seen to that. There is no glory in the work we do now. Once we thought our cause to be grand and noble, for the good of the people- all people, but now one cannot be so sure. The war has taken its toll on us all; some have lost friends, some lovers, still others parents or children.
In this new, grim perspective, we are not the saviors of the people any longer. We are soldiers. Nothing more.
It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.