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14 Oct 2007, 6:56 pm

Alright, I think its time to create a more sophisticated game....

In this game, you do exactly what is implied, you create your own nation, which will compete against a bunch of others. I am going to leave this rather open ended, and so the only thing that I will say is that it will begin in modern times, and yes you do inhabit an Earthlike planet (I'll leave it up to the players as to what they want the world to look like...). And no, you can't do "anything you want", it has to be realistic, even if you do have future tech. The choices you make and paths you choose to pursue and events that happen will determine what possibilities you have. I will moderate this somewhat to ensure that you don't cheat. Other than that, you are free to do what you want.

You create your nation, and it can be anything you want it. If you want a vast military power, great! You can pursue a more cultural path, or economic, or a combination of things. It can have any ideology it wants. You can choose national heroes, decide who your heir will be, etc. And yes, there is no limit to what you can colonize or conquer (yes you can expand into the universe and turn it into a fight for a galaxy, but the methods must still be as realistic as possible).

In other words, except for the initial rules, this is intended to be pretty much a make your own destiny/story. And it is intended to be competitive.

From time to time, I will introduce events, calamities, etc to spice things up a bit....


Philosophy: A good way to demonstrate our ability to make stuff up.

Religion: A good way to demonstrate our ability to believe things that just aren't so.


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14 Oct 2007, 7:04 pm

As a guy who played Risk and Civilization extensively, this should be easy for me.


Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!


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14 Oct 2007, 8:48 pm

The Royal Federation of Tarsonia (Tar-soo-nia)

Motto: "Nihil aliud scit necessitas quam vincere"

Government: Military Republic, overseen by military council and council leader -high level of personal freedom is contrasted by the complete lack of tolerance for disrespect for the government. Spends massive amounts of funding on science and military.

Six Military Branches: Council of Aerial Warfare, Council of Ground Warfare, Council of Naval Warfare, Council Of Mental Warfare, Council Of Digital Warfare, Council Of Integrated Ops

Society: Largely geared towards raising young men to either go into armed forces or a research position, menial labour is handled by machines and women are usually leaders of business (Most major Tarsonia corporations are run entirely by women)

Music is main form of artistic expression - mostly what would be classified on Earth as "Post-Metal" and "Post-Rock"

Economy: Geared towards military production and research. Produces 18% of all steel on the planet and at least 33% of all oil. Produces almost no high end luxury goods.

Technology: Slighty ahead of US - they have produced nanites in mass and have recently developed a device that can bring out the latent mental powers in most humans, though the technical issues render most test subjects comatose for life. At the very beginnings of research into light speed technology - still a projected two centuries away from functional faster-then-light drives.

Geography: Consists mostly of rough mountains and most of the flatlands are frozen deserts. In the extreme northern hemisphere of planet.

This good?

How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!


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14 Oct 2007, 9:59 pm

Flagg wrote:
The Royal Federation of Tarsonia (Tar-soo-nia)

Motto: "Nihil aliud scit necessitas quam vincere"

Government: Military Republic, overseen by military council and council leader -high level of personal freedom is contrasted by the complete lack of tolerance for disrespect for the government. Spends massive amounts of funding on science and military.

Six Military Branches: Council of Aerial Warfare, Council of Ground Warfare, Council of Naval Warfare, Council Of Mental Warfare, Council Of Digital Warfare, Council Of Integrated Ops

Society: Largely geared towards raising young men to either go into armed forces or a research position, menial labour is handled by machines and women are usually leaders of business (Most major Tarsonia corporations are run entirely by women)

Music is main form of artistic expression - mostly what would be classified on Earth as "Post-Metal" and "Post-Rock"

Economy: Geared towards military production and research. Produces 18% of all steel on the planet and at least 33% of all oil. Produces almost no high end luxury goods.

Technology: Slighty ahead of US - they have produced nanites in mass and have recently developed a device that can bring out the latent mental powers in most humans, though the technical issues render most test subjects comatose for life. At the very beginnings of research into light speed technology - still a projected two centuries away from functional faster-then-light drives.

Geography: Consists mostly of rough mountains and most of the flatlands are frozen deserts. In the extreme northern hemisphere of planet.

This good?

Yup! Now you can start playing with it...

You don't need to wait for a significant amount of players to start. More will join as the game progresses. As I said, this is basically you telling the story of how you and your nation/empire rises to glory, or gets utterly destroyed...

Philosophy: A good way to demonstrate our ability to make stuff up.

Religion: A good way to demonstrate our ability to believe things that just aren't so.


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16 Oct 2007, 9:55 pm

Name of nation: Science World
Motto: "Science rules"
Government: Democratic Repubic, with most of the government working on space exporation
Society: The people can work in any job they want or start buisnesses
Economy: mainly agriculure, manufacturing and commerce
Techonology: have started to make nano robots in mass production and started making plans for robot generated computers, the first one will be made in fifty years time, and three centuries before vechicles go faster than the speed of light
Geography: flat land south of 43 degrees north of the equator

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29 Oct 2007, 9:50 pm

Name of Nation: Fieras Prime
Race: Q'Tan (pronounced KEY-taan)
Race description: Humanoid with strong feline traits; eg feline facial features, claws instead of finger-nails, tail, elongated feet, coat of fur/hair, etc.
Notable physiology/psychology: All Q'Tan have a basic form of empathy. They can tell exactly how many other Q'Tan are within a certian distance, and sense the general mood of those in proximity. This also extends to being able to differentiate non-Q'Tan (ie, prey). High level of personal independence. Highly predatorial in nature, but without the classic aggressiveness.

Planetology: A bit of an enigma here. World-mass about 2.3 times the size of the Earth. However gravitational pull of about .67 G's. Also thinner atmosphere, though in star trek terms, this would otherwise be a standard M-class world. Earth-like in it's temperate/organic/geological diversity.

Government: Communism(don't think USSR boys and girls).

Society: Needs of the individual meet with the needs of the whole. In part due to their empathic sense for each other. They do not need close physical proximity with each other in order to feel "close", however close physical contact is usually sought within familial units. Individuals typically acknowledge and realize that neglecting the needs of the society will affect them as well. This reason, more than any other, explains how a world can effectively run on an otherwise "Communistic" style of government, and function.

Economy: Primarily trade-based. Wide range of both manufacturing and agricultural industries. Due to independent nature of most individuals within the culture, many various methods exists for achieving the same end, causing some over-lap, but a fair amount of efficiency is found by trimming redundant processes.

Techological: about 50 years advanced of present-day known technologies. Active space industry within their star system: mining, basic colonizing and terraforming/adapting of environments. Sub-light speed capable space-craft. Not expected to develop FTL-drives for some time. Nor is there interest at this time. For trekkies, think about maybe 10 years after first contact, with the above stated differences, I would imagine.

Military: The Q'Tan are natural predators, so the military is formed around this basis. All healthy members of the population are capable of coming to the defense of their world/assets. But at this time there is not a large standing military force.


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30 Oct 2007, 3:39 am

Will post mine later, which will pwn the crap out of all your nations.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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30 Oct 2007, 7:28 am

Nation: K'mnuhb'gucxs - A huge diamond shaped city built on elevated land, heavily fortified and surrounded by walls with manned stationary turrets. Very dense with buildings which get taller towards the center, where there is a huge tower, taller than any building on earth. The city was modeled after Asgard and looks very similar to it. I was thinking of drawing a picture of Asgard, if I do, it can also be a picture of K'mnuhb'gucxs.
Planet: Krog - Like earth, but different atmosphere, animal life, plant life, minerals, metals, elements, and geologic features.
Dominant life: Zszyrans - Feared and powerful war-like race of winged, horned, devil looking creatures with long claws and scaly red upper bodies with furry lower bodies and spiny, segmented silver tails. Maybe I will draw a picture of one later and post it here, I have drawn Zszyrans many times before. Average height is 4-5 feet tall (excluding wings), average lifespan is 400 years, diet is mostly meat but includes some plants, intelligence level is about equal to humans. Descended from Titans, the Zszyrans have a close connection to the Gods and harness mystical energy in small doses, which they can use for levitation, moving objects, or projecting focused energy as an attack. The females of the race have no wings or fur and give birth by laying eggs.
Society: Male and female Zsztrans are pretty much equals domestically. Males tend to do the metal work and building and such while the females tend to do the farming and herding. Both sexes are powerful warriors in ranged or melee combat. In war, the males are on the front line while the females defend the cities. Male Zszyrans during battle specialize in brute strength, endurance, and flight, while females specialize in agility and use of energy.
Technology: The Zszyrans are not as technologically advanced as humans in most ways, but they are highly advanced in combat and weaponry.
Economy: They have no money system or anything like that, Zszyrans mostly get their food on their own by herding animals and growing plants. Since every Zszyran is taught from a young age how to fight, farm, build, and live independently, there is no need for buying the services or products of others, but they trade with each other if they need to.
Government: The 9 most powerful males and 9 most intelligent females are the council that reside near the top of the central tower of K'mnuhb'gucxs. They decide when to go to war and act as a court of law.

I think there was more stuff about the Zszyrans and their society and planet that I forgot about, but I guess this is enough info.


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01 Nov 2007, 10:38 am

Nation: Amaroth
A huge island nation, roughly 3 times the size of the British isles, with several smaller islands and many tiny islands nearby, which are part of the same nation. The nation also has at least ten small coastal and island colonies, considered semi-autonomous territories, in various parts of the world.
Varied terrain and climate. Several mountain ranges, lots of temperate woodland, and various plains which are used as farmland, plus icy glades in the far north mountains. There is a large, icy northern peninsula with mountainous terrain.

Planet: An earthlike planet, which is 5 degrees centigrade colder, with a higher water percentage.

Culture and society: People are intelligent, educated, mostly friendly, jolly, but also hardy and not afraid to defend their great nation and defend others. Religion is mostly polytheistic Vardanism, which believes in the power of healing and magic through faith in the holy Gods, and there is also Morgothism, which believes in death and destruction to the will of the unholy chaos Gods.

On this planet, magic is real, but it has to be mastered first. Things can be enchanted.

I, The Emperor, rule Amaroth and its colonies under absolute decree and benevolence towards everyone. There is an imperial congress, of elected representatives, unelected county governors, and imperial ministers, who have different roles, informing me of public opinion, administrating both local and imperial state services, and being free to say whatever they want to say about the situation, except inciting revolution and treachery, and disobeying my direct and express orders. Ministers are the administrative hand of the imperial government, and Governors are administrators of local state services. Elected representatives elect the people.

Town, city, county, and supreme courts perform obvious legal proceedings, and any sentence/decision made by the supreme court can only be overruled by the emperor.

Compassionate society, people care for their fellow man, but lawbreakers are hated.

Censorship of certain materials, but most media is approved without censorship. All free speech is allowed, except racism and things that are deemed too discriminatory, which can result in fines and year long jail sentences.

Widespread internet use. Mobile phones aren't so popular, using a mobile phone in public is considered rude.

Military interventionist policy, is quite cheap to go to war due to very efficient supply chains and massive ammunition and fuel stockpiles.

Economy: Very powerful, lots of trade with overseas nations. Currency is the credit. Lots of manufacturing jobs, low taxes and some government-run companies. Very large, free, but regulated market.

Socialised medicine and education, with moderate private sector for each as well.

Military: 350,000 strong army, no marine corps, troop battalions are simply attached to ships and changed routinely. 800 advanced combat multi-role jet fighters, 200 VTOL fighters. 2000 various helicopters. All forces are well trained and high tech.

Combat ships are as follows:

8 Battlecruisers (heavy armour, sacrifice of speed for massive firepower.)
4 Supercarriers, which can each carry 50 aircraft.
30 Heavy Destroyers, designed to both escort and participate as main combatants.
50 Frigates, smallest main combatants, emphasis on high speed and precision.
12 Large assault ships.
65 Small patrol ships.

Plus, of course, support vessels.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!

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30 Nov 2010, 9:01 pm

Name: Cussia

Motto: 'We Won't Backdown"

Government: Representative Republic=everyone's vote counts no cheating at all
prefer to stay neutral but will jump at a nation who threatens us or our allies

4 Military branches: Military Intelligence, Naval/Airiel Department, Infantry/Tank Department, B.R.A.D.D. (they deal with
making Special Infantry units

Society: Largely geared towards equal treatment like if you bully someone 3 out of 5 people (in a public area) will Beat you severely then send you to a hospital and when out you get a warning, second time Trial, 3rd time Forced Military Service
I.E. Work-horse jobs

Culture is: mostly shark hunting, Guaranteed equal treatment, Taoist-like religon

Economy: Geared towards Making quality goods with speed and Carefulness quickly

Technology: same as U.S.A. but more diffrent stuff and Nazi type vehicles (aka Very Hard to kill with anything) and we have a Richtor (super heavy tank a little slower then most of our tanks but 4x the armor even planes have a challenge to kill them) but we make ours with the concept design of a T-100 Russian tank

Geography: a lot like russia but 2x colder in cold months and it's summer is russia's winter

what do you think?

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30 Nov 2010, 9:03 pm

i'm just wondering :D


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30 Nov 2010, 10:11 pm

Nation: Chloroterra
Motto: "A jewel in a sea of rocks."
Society: Very socially liberal. The people tend to be very hedonistic. It's an "anything goes" society, just as long as your activities do not violate the rights of others.
Culture: With regards to religion, most of the people either follow Paganism or some East Asian tradition. The people have a great deal of respect toward nature as well.
Government: Laissez-Faire on social issues, but has some regulation on businesses to prevent corruption and environmental hazards. The government is centered in the capital city of Ceres.
Military: Chloroterra is very pacifist, and will only go to war if absolutely necessary.
Geography: Very warm climate, except for the mountaineous regions. Chloroterra is environmentally stunning, with rain forests and hot springs which attract tourists from around the world.
National Flower: Tiger Lily
National Animal: Butterfly
National Gemstone: Emerald


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03 Dec 2010, 12:57 pm

Nation: Corragia

Capital: Carlonia

Motto: “Terra de un mille bestiame” (land of a thousand lives)

Culture: Easy going people, live in harmony, are known for huge skyscrapers and cathedrals as landmarks. People from around the world come to the fine dining of Corragia.

Independence Day: June 8th, Year of our lord 2023 A.D.

Currency: Sharkenstein coins

Anthem: “Cuore e anima di Corragia” (Heart and Soul of Corragia)

Languages: English, Italian, Catalan, Duke Nukemish

Government: Elected Prime Minister. Forza 2023 and for evermore. Do not practice capital punishment.

National Flower: The Zinnia

National Bird: Hummingbird

Religion: Christian 50%, Jewish 30%, Islam 10%, Buddhism 10%


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03 Dec 2010, 1:30 pm

The nation of Moogabooga

National sport; Meditation

National animal; Tortoises

Economy; Self supporting, self reliant, efficient without work coercion. We have a small universal benefit that each citizen can top up by doing as much work or as little as they like. Most things like food and housing are pretty cheap anyway, because of enlightened farming and house construction practices. We have jubilee celebrations where the wealthy cancel debts periodically and redistribute their wealth.

Religion; people are free to pursue whatever religious beliefs they like as long as they don't impinge negatively on the lives of others.

Education; We have a semi freeform education structure where like minds come together to explore ideas and concepts and experiments. Education is seen as a life long process. Teaching and learning are highly regarded life pursuits. People take education as part of the fabric of their everyday lives. People of all ages mix together in classes, depending on their interests. Meditation and kindness are an integral part of everyone's basic education.

Culture; arts and crafts and sciences are held to be very important and worthwhile pursuits.

Sex; There is no widespread ignorance or taboos. Men and women are equal in status, but recognize their inherent gender strengths and respect those of the other. The people see sex as something to be used for pleasure, procreation, or enlightenment, and it takes an appropriate place in their lives.

Military; Don't need one. Any enemy force that tries to assault our country is overwhelmed by warm peace vibes that emanate from every citizen, making our 'enemies' instantly converted to our way of life :lol:

That was fun. Nice utopia. Now, to build it for real... :wink:

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06 Dec 2010, 9:44 pm

so how do we start this game

who wants to go first? :D

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08 Dec 2010, 9:33 pm

A usualy Non-Participating Nation who we have only heard of from Russia has entered the world economy and sadly our current clue of how they have been doing thisngs is little as we have a lack of people who know Russian and only our doctors know latin at all these days

so will we have another possible communisst country?
What will thier commerce bring to the worl'd crumbiling economy?
Who is in charge of this elusive and even more impossible to fight warriors of Cussia?
What is thier climate? Who Knows but the Cussains themselves and their Russian Freinds?

Stay Tuned to find out!