Hey there! This game is played like this:
-First, keep to the mood of the story type. For this one, keep it Lovecraftian. We don't want some silly unicorn to appear. We want evil alien gods from beyond and insanity!
-Second, you can only write one paragraph.
-Third, bad grammar should only be constricted to old english words and phonetically written dialogue.
-Finally, don't work on this without having read any H.P Lovecraft. That is as bad an idea as opening the vaults of R'yleh or reading a large book that you just found written in latin without even looking at the cover.
I'll start:
My mental facilities are, in the current situation, in ill repair. I thank you, doctor, for letting you tell my story. If you find me insane and telling you a tale, then that's fine. You won't have to deal with what I saw there. If you believe me, then... well, I'll see what you do. Anyway, I think it's time. Here, take notes with this pencil and journal.Now we begin.
Respond please, I love comments.