God has created a race of demonic fire-breathing Minotaurs, to combat it, we have a cute fuzz ball which we can imbue with all the powers of our imagination.
Battle Fuzzies can replicate 10 times every hour.
Battle Fuzzies have telekinesis.
Battle Fuzzies can teleport.
When you cut a battle fuzzy in half you get two smaller battle fuzzies.
Battle Fuzzies have mind control.
Battle Fuzzies can levitate.
When a Battle fuzzy is melted into a liquid, it reforms to its original shape.
Battle Fuzzies can shape-shift.
Battle Fuzzies can convert matter into more Battle Fuzzies.
Battle Fuzzies can shoot lasers out of their cute beady little eyes.
Battle Fuzzies have toxic fangs that can kill a blue whale with just one bite.
Battle Fuzzies have Borg adaptability, they are immune to the same attack twice.
Battle Fuzzies can absorb other super-powers.
Am I missing something here?