TheMachine1 wrote:
You scored 328 out of 350 possible points, or 93.71%
You should definitely vote.
I'm in Texas which will certainly vote Republican in a landslide so no point voting no matter what my choice would be. I used to vote in every single election the government had at every level. But I doubt I will ever vote again. I stopped being obsessed with politics 10 years ago! Yes JimServo And Werbert one day you may develop a new obsession and be free of the pain of politics!

Politics was a lot more fun when the Republicans were in control and I could enjoy my frequent complaints about all the things they did wrong. Now if something goes wrong, I've gotta blame the Democrats.
Of course, I could also blame George W. Bush, but that's like getting mad at a baby for soiling his diaper. He doesn't know any better.
Last edited by werbert on 09 Mar 2007, 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.