Name: Mr Oak
Age: Apparently early 30's
Speaks English eloquently, mostly with an older inflection.
Dresses in a grey shirt, black trousers and brown waistcoat. Wears pince-nez.
Thinnish. Untidy black hair. Often seen with books in hand.
Whenever he meets people, he tells them he is a scholar, which is true. To a degree.
Appears to carry no weapons at all. However, has many hidden depths.
(Note, this guy is NO relation to the Quatermass RP character. If you want a comparable character, think of a more benign version of a mix between Walter O'Dim from The Dark Tower, the unnaturalist Griffin from the Doctor Who Eighth Doctor Adventure Unnatural History and Vincent from Silent Hill 3. It should also be noted that to him, there is more than meets the eye. But no, he is not a Transformer.... ha ha ha.... Oh, and he is named after one of a pair of creepy guys from the Doctor Who story, Fury from the Deep, Mr Oak and Mr Quill...)
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...