I found this one test,a bit long, but I love those series and I figured I might as well post it.
You are Bran Stark
You have big dreams in life, and you get frustrated with those who think you are unable to achieve them. You love to explore and wish for more adventure in your life. You are generally introverted when it comes to interacting with others, though you have you have been known to have a few rather crazy outbursts. You love animals and feel connected to them. You have psychic tendencies and you know far more about life, and the world, than you let on. You are adventurous, perceptive, and resolute.
You also similar to Catelyn Stark and Robb Stark. Your polar opposite is Asha Greyjoy.
No wonder I liked the Starks. But Asha was one of my favorite characters too =(
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill