A Bear
You scored 44 Need for Chaos, 52 Drive to Lead, 20 Extroversion, and 41 Logic!
Your daemon would most likely manifest itself in the form of a bear. The specie and the size of it is dependant upon the ranges of the scores and other factors, most notably geographical area, as a daemon is likely to take the form of an animal native to your area. A more placid person may have a daemon which manifests itself in the form of a polar bear, while one whom is less traditional may have their deamon settle in the form of a Panda (I know…Panda’s are not really bears…while a more practical person may have a brown or black bear).
Having a bear as a daemon almost automatically gives you a certain air of respect and dignity. After all, it is likely that your daemon is larger than some of the people around you. You are definitely the languid, cool and leaderly type. You do not actively seek people to follow you, but they seem to know instinctively that you know what you are doing, and will follow you—although, granted, it is likely that you are also very skilled at making it seem as if you know what you are doing. You are stubborn, but not inflexibly so, and tend to be very noble about defending your opinions. You do not greatly care for sudden changes in your environment that throw you off of your perceptions, as you are very perceptive. Those with bears as daemons tend to have a close circle of good friends, and a large circle of admirers. Bear daemons generally belong to people in the position of minor leadership, where a good deal of flash is not needed—such as managers of factories, professors, and diplomats.
I'm like an opening band for the sun.
-Pearl Jam
Apathy is not a vice, it is a relieving and downright enjoyable life-choice.