Redd_Kross wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
All of my experiences that led toward "Aggressive" had to do with trauma.
Yeah I got a higher "suspicion" rating than I was expecting, because of that.
A lot of the questions need an "it depends" answer. I don't normally hold grudges or stockpile gossip, for example (in fact I normally elect to instantly forget any gossip I hear, as I object to it on principle), but if someone is being sh***y towards me then there's a point beyond which it's war and that's that. Not the same as generally being horrible for the sake of it, though. I'll stand up for myself.
It's a Catch 22 because if we didn't have any of these traits, or if we got a blank chart after doing the quiz, it would mean we are vulnerable and too trusting. It would mean that we need to stand up for ourselves. That's not good either.
Questions like "Do you keep information about others?" Um. Yes. I've been involved in court cases for custody of my child. Clearly I have to keep evidence to be informed and prepared. That doesn't mean I go about stalking others, or that I'm an aggressive person in normal relationships. The questions are really too vague to be useful, but it was fun!
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.