First thing that comes to mind when you think of childhood

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10 Nov 2017, 1:37 pm

(Title actually is: First thing that comes to mind when you think of your childhood. But I didn't have room.) Anyway, you know what to do.


-LegoMaster2149 (Written on November 10, 2017)


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10 Nov 2017, 5:32 pm

Meeting my childhood girlfriend when we were in the fourth grade together.

After the end of our grade school years, we thought we would never see each other again. She moved with her family to another area of Portland.

That changed three years after I graduated from high school in 2008.

One day, I was sitting at a table in the campus dining hall eating a meal and working on a class assignment. She approached me and addressed me by name. She was in a relationship at the time, so we reconnected on strictly platonic terms.

We didn't began dating until the beginning of last year, but at the beginning of this year, she broke off all contact with me without explaining why. I have not heard anything from her since.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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10 Nov 2017, 7:59 pm

Age 4-7
The 1990s
Infants school
Low immunity to stomach flu
Loose teeth
Thomas the Tank Engine
My mum's dad still being alive
Spice Girls

Age 7-11
Junior school
The millennium (late 90s--early 2000s)
Windows 95-98
South Park
Pokemon cards and Pokemon toys
Hymns in assembly
Sega Megadrive
Caravan holidays
School field trips

Age 11-16
High school
Social isolation
Obsessions (crushes)
My first mobile phone

There's probably more to my childhood than that, but that's all I could think of for now. I liked the middle part of my childhood the best.



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10 Nov 2017, 8:59 pm



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10 Nov 2017, 9:59 pm

Disneychannel, playgrounds, and birthday parties


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10 Nov 2017, 10:04 pm



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11 Nov 2017, 6:50 pm

Having my first seizure when I was eight years old.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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11 Nov 2017, 6:56 pm

Too many friggin' rules!

And I had to "shut up" most of the time.

It sucked being a kid.

In the 1970s, all we had, basically, was TVs and radios. The only color TVs were usually in the living room; the kids were lucky to have old black-and-white TVs in their rooms which always had "snow," and never ran right. You had to get up and change the channel even with fancy TVs until the mid 1970s.

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14 Nov 2017, 7:53 pm

My father passing the day after I turned 12. Other kids {along with two teachers} saw his passing as another reason to bully me.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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16 Nov 2017, 2:02 pm

For the most part, a very good time, happiness

BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
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simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy

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16 Nov 2017, 4:21 pm

Camping trips with my family, friends, and extended family, also, a holiday abroad to Spain; on the downside, endless rejection and no friends at school. Didn't even find out I have a mild ASD until a few years back, just figured spending most of your time alone doing the same thing over and over again, like in Groundhog Day (the movie) was normal. I mean it's the only life I've ever known, and I don't really think it's abnormal at all.

Honestly, life was better when I was younger.

"Subclinical autistic traits" (atypical autism).
Normal intelligence, social and language development.

"vulnerable narcissistic defenses w/ mild borderline traits"; Body Dysmorphic Disorder, (self-diagnosed).

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17 Nov 2017, 12:44 am

Early childhood:

Getting my tonsils out
Sesame Street
The Muppet Show
Disney cartoons
Being terrified of the dentist
My grandparents
Reading comic books
Drawing cartoons
Camping trips
Getting up early on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons
Getting ear tube surgery for what felt like every other month.
Crying in class constantly because I would get easily frustrated by math problems.
Having problems keeping up with other kids in Phys. Ed class.
Thinking I would never be able to learn to tie my shoes
Thinking I'd never learn how to tell time.
Never learning how to ride a bicycle.
Being teased and nearly driven crazy by my older brother.
Going swimming
Playing Atari 2600 games.
Helping my parents and brother with the Christmas decorating and being really excited about it.
Being too excited to sleep on Christmas Eve.
Being too excited to sleep on Easter Eve.
Being almost too excited to sleep the night before Halloween and my birthday.
Having fun playing in the snow and enjoying the winter.
Actually having friends and visiting them and them visiting me and stuff.
My mom telling me to go outside more and to cry less.
My dad being away fishing most of the summer, which meant getting more attention from my mom.
My mom trying everything she could think of to get me to lose weight.
Being frequently exposed to second-hand smoke from my father and other people
Playing with toys, dolls, stuffed animals.
Being allowed to be myself.

Teen Years (although I was only a teen in the superficial sense):

Starting junior high school, and hating it. Having to get used to going to a much bigger school with lockers and different classes in different rooms and more teachers and students was very difficult.
Not being able to relate to the other kids.
Not understanding why smoking in school was "cool"
Not understanding why it was "cool" to do drugs or have sex or swear.
Getting my wisdom teeth out.
Being bullied because drawing cartoons seemed to be all I really cared about.
Being bullied for being intensely interested in Garfield comics.
Being lectured by my mom and other people for not having more interests besides drawing cartoons.
Being lectured by my mom for still playing with dolls and stuffed animals and spending my allowance money on them instead of things that weren't "junk".
Being teased and nearly driven insane by my older brother.
My older brother hating to see me get teased or being driven insane by other kids.
Having multiple surgeries done on my ears.
Being frequently exposed to second-hand smoke from my father and other people.
Getting feelings of disgust and hostility towards my father.
Getting into many arguments with my mother.
My parents never really grounding me as punishment, because I hardly ever went anywhere anyway. My brother, on the other hand seemed, to get grounded a lot.
My grades going way down.
Having anxiety attacks in school.
Emetophobia now at an all-time high.
Seeing a psychiatrist for the first time.
Being diagnosed with schizophrenia form disorder and a learning disability.
Being put on psychiatric drugs for the first time.
Having bad side effects from pyschiatric drugs.
My mother trying everything she could think of to get me to lose weight.
Kids at school screaming out that I had AIDS or that Garfield was dead. The latter continued into my young adult years and school wasn't the only place where the haters would troll me.
My dad getting drunk a lot because he could no longer make a living by fishing. He only would drink a lot when my mom was away for a couple of days on business. Then late one night she found him drunk and I could hear her yelling at him from my bedroom.
Getting some of my cartoons posted in the local papers and even being interviewed about it on the news a couple of times. But that's the closest I ever came to being successful at using my talents for anything. No one remembers or cares at all.
Not being allowed to be myself.

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17 Nov 2017, 2:08 am


School in the late 60's and 70's could be tough. My parents moved around a lot due to their occupation so I went to a lot of schools, and I don't remember one where I wasn't bullied.

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17 Nov 2017, 5:47 am

Hot Wheels
The Dukes of Hazard
The Olympics
Bands of The British Invasion on the radio in all of their 60s glory
Being yelled at for talking about my special interests
Eventually keeping my special interests and problems to myself
That morning my sister and I were watching Hogan's Heroes and I compared myself to Peter Newkirk thinking that I came across as very British to be compared to Schultz by my little sister. She had a very different opinion of me. A more accurate one.
Telling family friends and family that I want to be a man when I grow up
The pains and frustrations of being Trans three decades before Trans kids were allowed to start transferring. I identify as male and I let that be known in the community I live in by doing obvious things
Being in that Sped classroom for half a day or longer depending on which grade I was in from Kindergarten to Grade 7
Being mainstreamed with my intolerant NT peers from grades 8 to 12
My dad wanting me to grow up to have a high-pitched voice and a nice figure, just for me to end up looking and sounding like Schultz. Part of it was that I just didn't care and part of it was rebelling against gender stereotypes.
Me trying to stay young for as much as possible. I'd run around making noise and having fun while at the same time, most tween females sat around and talked about Top 40 and diets. I never wished to identify as female, so I just ran around and played for as long as I could, until I started High School. Kids don't play in High School.

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17 Nov 2017, 11:41 am

My favorite toys ( a teddy, a seal, and a truck in particular, but also other dear toys)
My favorite games (Crazy 8s, Spøkelser snille og slemme, Jakten på den forsvunne diamant)
My favorite books (Ruffen og den flygende hollender, the Bobsey twins, and Enid Blyton's Famous Five and the Five Find Outers)

BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
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simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy

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17 Nov 2017, 10:00 pm

Some of my best days... :lol:

I'm one of those tough kids who don't seem to be afraid of anything -- I'm not sure at that time either I was too immature for the concept of fear, or too defiant and prideful to feel or show fear. Either way, I'm lucky that I didn't ended up traumatized or have any incidents that would've caused phobia by carelessness.

I'm a child who is:
Not afraid of doctors or the needle, not afraid of the dark or going alone, not afraid of heights or falling, not afraid to touch weird or yucky things... :lol:
Not afraid of bullies or anyone bigger than I'm or some cliché who don't want anything in their way, and not afraid to tell the authorities that their rule doesn't make any sense and telling me 'Because I told you so' would either cause me a frustrated fit or completely ignore them. :twisted:

Regardless, my childhood days are better than my teenage years.

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