Urban Dictionary:
Isabella is that type of person that will always be there for you. She is truly beautiful inside and out. Her personality is beyond perfect. She can be mean and rude at most times, but nice and sweet the rest of the times. She is very funny. When you're around Isabella, you'll never be frowning. She's always laughing and smiling. You'll never find her truly sad or mad. She has that look in her eyes that makes you feel comfortable. Her laugh makes you smile. She isn't a huge dude magnet, but many fall head over heels for her. If you ever meet her, never let her go.
Pronounced Is-uh-bel-la. Isabella will do what makes you happy almost always. She hates rude people. She will protect you to the end. If you hate someone, she will hate them too.
Isabella Linton in Wuthering Heights:
"Isabella is witty, sensitive, and temperamental. She has a capacity for strong attachments".
"She was a charming young lady, infantile in manners, though possessed of keen wit, keen feelings, and a keen temper, too, if irritated".
"Brontë endows Isabella with a complex and at times ironic voice. Brontë paints a powerful portrait of the radical transformation of Isabella from the pampered Miss Linton to the hardened Mrs. Heathcliff, ending with her as the intrepid, fugitive, abused wife, Isabella Heathcliff. Brontë demonstrates through Isabella's story that as long as the laws of coverture are intact, companionate marriage is at risk of being exploited and compromised".
"Emily Bronte uses Isabella Linton as a symbol for rebellion against women's role in the Victorian age, through her spoiled nature which evolves to demonstrate her resourcefulness, and her intelligence".
"Fleeing brutality, Isabella was able to support herself and her child without help".
Baby Names:
The name Isabella is a girl's name of Hebrew, Spanish, Italian origin meaning "pledged to God".
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.