Communicating with the dead.
I met someone on Wrong Planet about a year ago. But now he has died. He is still alive but for some strange reason he figured it was a good idea to end his existence. So he managed to completely utterly delete his very existence. He is an interesting ghost. But I have found it very difficult to communicate with him.
But I think there may be a way. I will write to him here and he can pass me his thoughts using telepathy. Well not really telepathy but it is the best word I can come up with. After all I died about a couple years ago. But I came back from the dead.
He was a member of this site after all. He is similar to me. He has the mind of a child. He thinks at light speed. He is a picture thinker. I think in terms of words. Other then that we are very similar. He has an IQ beyond 150. It is very interesting because we do not speak the same language. He is from Italy and I do not speak any Italian and he doesn't speak any English. But we exist in a strange universe where people talk to the dead.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
naturalplastic wrote "Since this is "Roleplaying..." you must be speaking figuratively when you said he "died"."
That sounds good to me. I am roleplaying with a dead person.
In his last words he wrote me, "As far as I'm concerned, my emails are unique in the sense that by rewriting them I would always write something else or something else." Then you wrote, "I have to summarize without digressing.
It will be a problem for me. But perhaps it is the most sensible solution."
I think the best way to communicate is two halves. One half input and the other half output.
I still hear you speak like a voice from the dead. I will answer my own way, in words posted in a strange place in a strange universe called The Wrong Planet.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Dear Friend
I keep listening for your voice but so far there is silence. I guess it just takes awhile to establish a communication link with the dead.
So anyways I will fill you in.
After my stroke, I died for several minutes. As a result I lost right side vision in both eyes. I am partially blind. But I have been busy trying to repair the damage. Generally no one ever regains their vision back. But I am a little different then most people. So I am still working on the problem. There is at least 4 parts of me that became damaged when I died that affect my vision. At the moment I am working on the 4th. This is really a very difficult part. You see one of the areas affected is actually in the 3rd layer of my eye, the liquid layer. Part of it turned into a gel. How do you dissolve a gel within your eyes. There are a few methods available but I do not think they have fixed the problem. But they are making progress. I am trying something different. I am trying to dissolve the gel by allowing chlorine to leak into my eyes. I go to the YMCA and swim 30 laps. That is almost a mile. I let the chlorine in the water to slowly pass into the inner layer of my eye. I causes my eyesight to become foggy. At least that is the theory. So I am off to the YMCA.
I learned to swim when I was young. I took a class in scuba diving when I was in my 20s. A few decades later, I learned to swim on my back using my scuba fins. It was a very relaxing form of swimming. So swimming a mile on my back is somewhat relaxing. And then there is always the hot tub after the swim.
Friend, remember that I can still hear your voice. So all you have to do is speak to me normal in the silence of the night. And I will answer here. Since I died about two and a half years ago, I have an interesting skill set. Speaking to the dead should not be a problem.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Dear Friend
I keep listening for your voice but so far there is silence. I guess it just takes awhile to establish a communication link with the dead.
So anyways I will fill you in.
I did my exercise, 30 laps in the pool. Almost a mile. It is getting easier to do. I found that if I swim with my head facing completely backwards and slightly tilted I could flood my eyes. So it was a good workout. My ability to read words has more then doubled in the last couple weeks. I had increase my dosage of Juvenon Cellular Health from one tablet a day to three a day and BOOM, my vision is very lose now to normal speed when I read. I am no longer a snail.
So maybe I will achieve something that apparently now one has ever succeeded in - reversing the most severe form of Aphasia and restoring my vision loss after a massive stroke.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Dear Friend
So far I have not received your words from far, far away. I think it just may take us open up this Spiritual Link. My daughter came over today and we increase my computer storage to five trillion bytes (more or less) or 5,000,000,000,000 bytes (more or less). So I think I finally have enough memory to make this work. We will see.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Yes, I thought I could get this to work. It just takes a little while to move the energy lost in space and make this work.
I finally heard your voice. So you want to be called "Holographic Ghost"? That is a strange name. I probably would have picked "Huckleberry Finn" myself. But you have the right to pick your own name.
You told me to "Watch out for triple dosages."
Actually, I can see the effects right before my eyes. My ability to read is almost back to normal levels. I was so slow I was like a snail. But the difference makes my ability to read at almost normal levels now. And I still have so much energy. How many 74 year olds can swim a mile.
You spoke about my daughters. You said "Your daughters know how you are." They are very unique and so are my five grandchildren. It almost goes back to the story of Adam and Eve, the very beginning of the human race. We are a different creation then anything that came before us on this planet. A being with multiple brains.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Yes, I think this will work. I heard your voice in the wilderness.
You told me. "Huckleberry Finn is part of childhood reading. I find it pleasant as a nickname."
So Huckleberry Finn it is.
You then told me, "Because the supplement you take in theory shouldn't have such an effective effect on your eyes." Sometimes the only way to understand if a theory works is to try it. You put everything on the line and go for it. It is almost a cardinal rule for INTJs.
You said: "I am pleased, even if the logic of this is not clear to me. But I know I don't know enough."
In a sense that is how an INTJ learns. We test everything. We take nothing for granted. That is why we achieve a high level of accuracy in the areas we pick to investigate and learn.
A couple minutes after our communications, you came back and said, "In the thread you repeated a post twice, an error of your pc or a duplicate sending error?"
It is a little hard to say. Talking to a ghost is still a work in progress. It may need some refinement.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I was a little concerned when I did not hear your voice for several days. Then you spoke to me.
You said, "I wasn't well. . . (due) to intense lumbar loss 4."
According to the Internet.
The Classification of Low Lumbar Fractures (thoracolumbar fractures). . . The posterior approach to the spine is well know to all surgeons, but the anterior approach to L4 and L5 can be difficult with the great vessels adherent to the bony structures at these levels. While anterior access to the L4/5 and L5/S1 disc is frequently performed, access to the body is more difficult. Anterior stabilizing devices that are bulky cannot be used in this region because of the anterior vascular anatomy.
If that is the case, your fall did a lot more damage then you originally thought.
Then you told me, "For me I don't know what to do.
Because here comes the holiday season and doctors, even for a fee, are not found in the specialists."
I am not sure if my advice is accurate in your case. A couple years ago, I had a severe problem. I had no idea what was the cause. When it became unbearable, I waited until the crack of dawn when the hospital daytime shift came onboard and went there. I was treated by someone who quickly analyzed the threat and began surgery within less then 4 hours time. He corrected my problem. Something that would normally take weeks of analysis and planning to perform. But he did it in hours.
For some reason I think he was a doctor in training. He was full of energy and drive. His intelligence was off the scale. He was a doctor in training. But an Expert To Be.
Then you said, "I was 8 hours in bed acute pain."
You need to focus on your problem. It is serious. Find the Cause/Fix the Cause.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I remember now. It was 2020 and I experienced significant pain. Over the entire night it didn't decrease. So I waited until around 6 AM and I went to the emergency room of the hospital. There are new doctors who are in the final stages of becoming a doctor. They work many, many hours and are really put through the paces. This individual worked the emergency ward. He handled everything that would appear in the dead of night. Every kind of problem. He examined me and within about an hour he determined that I was suffering from a gallbladder failure and it was about to erupt.
According to an article on the Internet:
When gallbladder ruptures, you may have unexpected, sharp serious stomach pain. You may experience short-lived pain after the gallbladder rupture. Yet, the pain regularly returns when the rupture area with releasing substance develops or gets inflamed or infected. An ignored and untreated rupture can cause Systemic Inflammation Response Syndrome (SIRS) inside the body. If there’s fundamental infection with SIRS, additionally known as sepsis, this sort of infection can be perilous.
So what I am trying to say is that if you were in the U.S., my recommendation is to find one of these young doctors to be, who are working with emergency room patients. Because if you find the right one, he is an expert. He can quickly determine the problem and the solution within minutes.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I haven't heard from you for a couple days. I hope all is well. I can see my eyesight is improving as the slug is slowly being removed from inside my eyes. My vision is returning closer to normal. My sleep cycle is also improving. Even though I am getting fewer hours of sleep each night, my REM and NREM levels are combined averaging to around 3 hours per night last week. This is a phenomenal amount for a 74 year old. So tripling my supplement dosage rate and flooding my eyes with chlorine by swimming 1 mile appears to be the final steps on the recovery process.
Huckleberry Finn I think you sustained significant damage on your recent fall. You need to get the problem fixed and fixed correctly. I know you told me that your brother comes first. But understand the problem that you experienced might damage you beyond the point that you will no longer be able to perform that function. So you need to shift your attention focus directly at you, you, you. Once you properly repair your specific problem, you can return to caring for your brother.
I am a long ways off in another world but my being still feels your pain.
jimmy m
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I still haven't heard from you recently. I figured you were still under a lot of pain and suffering. But I did have a thought. It falls way down in the sphere of theories. For some strange reason I thought the supplement that I was taking, Juvenon Cellular Health might be beneficial for you. But since your genetic structure is very similar to your brother, it might be the cure you are looking for in helping him restore his brain.
Try a dosage rate of 3 tablets per day, spread out evenly during the day, for a month. See is you notice a change for the better in your brother.
jimmy m
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I finally heard you voice again. It showed up but it was from a couple days ago. I guess 5 dimensional space travel just takes a little longer.
You spoke: "Twice these days I have had very sharp pain in the lumbar vertebrae. I would say level 9 on a scale of 10."
I know that it is in your nature to help others first but in this case You may not be able to help others if you do not correct this serious problem. At the moment you need to put your health in the front of the line. You are suffering from something that is very serious. It needs attention. It needs to move to the front of the line.
Then you wrote, "A small bony protrusion emerges from one vertebra."
You were injured from your fall.
You began talking about TIA (A transient ischemic attack is a temporary period of symptoms similar to those of a stroke."
I still think that your original thoughts were correct, you suffered from COVID in 2019 and perhaps several times since then. You recovered but you are still dealing with some of the after affects. The location where you lived and the timing of the breakout in that location matches. In my humble opinion, this is one of the things you are dealing with.
Then you spoke about my condition, my stroke and the damage it caused. I have finally figured it out. After my stroke I suffered the most severe form of Aphasia. But in general I have recovered and it is due to the supplement that I was taking. How do I know? Well I put it to the test. I increased my dosage rate by 3. And I could see the results.
When my wife drives us down the road, I look at the street signs and try and read them. I only have a second or two when they are visible. Generally I get in two or three letters in a word and then we have passed out of sight. After taking the supplement for a couple weeks, I can see the difference. I no longer read letters. I read words. I see all the letters at once and instantly assemble it in my mind. Sometimes I miss a few letters and my words are incorrect. But most times I succeed. Not only that but I flip from one word to another. I do not start with the first word but pick a word and then another word and then assemble the entire information in a street sign. My ability to read fast is self correcting after 2.5 years after my stroke. That supplement keeps my brain young and healthy. It fixes my brain from severe stroke damage.
jimmy m
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I haven't heard your whispers for several weeks, I keep listening. But there is a silence in the air.
jimmy m
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Huckleberry Finn
I keep hearing bits and fragments from you. You began to describe yourself as H. Finn. Since you are not from around these parts and because you speak no English, I thought I would pass onto you the way your name is abbreviated.
You normally go by the name Huck Finn.
You existing on the other side of the world in very old country that goes by the name Italy and not knowing any English, I thought it was worthwhile to pass on this knowledge to you.
The way I look at it, I died a little over 2.5 years ago. My heart stopped beating and I died. But then after about 5 minutes, there was a spark inside my brain, a spark of electricity and my heart began to beat again. Essentially I came back from the dead. But because my body did not allow normal blood flow, it sustained a bit of damage. Perhaps that is why I can communicate with you. In a way I can communicate with the dead. But you are not really dead. You are still there, but you have become invisible, like a ghost.
I thought that establishing a communication link to you through Wrong Planet might allow you to let your voice be heard. I do not think Wrong Planet discriminates, even against the undead. It is an open forum and I believe it will allow communicating with all Aspies, even Italian Aspies who speak no English and who exist at the edge of the Netherworld.
In your last words to me, you said,
"I understand in a crowd because you definitely don't have theory of mind. I have a lot of tricks to figure out where people are moving, otherwise I tend to waste time, bolting in big cities I go three times faster than them."
I can understand what you are saying. When I drove a fast car and would travel near the speed of light, all the other cars would essentially just be standing still, so in a multi lane highway, you just drive around them like they are standing still. It is the advantage of going fast. Everyone else is just standing still.
Then you wrote, "Idem; we don't understand directions we aspergers."
Actually that is not entirely true. I learned directions beginning at a very early age. As a child I would go off into the deep woods by myself and live with the little beast and animals that existed there. And after several hours I would go back home. I could always find my way home. I learned all the ways to FIND MY WAY HOME. I could travel in large cities over 100 miles in length and 100 miles wide, cities with over 10 million people, and figure my way home. There are around a half dozen ways to find your way home and I learned all of them. Where I live now they did not even have street names. Areas were grouped into small regions called Rural Routes. They encompass many streets together. One mailman, one street route. Very simple but for someone who is use to street signs it is a very different way of thinking location. I would ask a person where a certain area was and they would say "It is located next to Steve Johns house". But what they did not tell me was that Steve Jones died 30 years ago and his house was sold and is now someone else's residence. So I learned them all and even now, I can always find my way home.
jimmy m.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
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