Ragtime wrote:
Wow -- I'd be inclined to believe God didn't exist, if I
never saw a miracle in my life. I know that's not the right way to be, but I'm just being honest.

I've seen
lots and lots of
unmistakeable devine intervention
each year, though indeed months can pass where God seems to be doing very little.

It's definitely faith during those times, but He helps my faith periodically -- gives it boosts from time to time.
There are some things, if I put it in a certain light... I could say it seems like the hand of God is controlling something. But I'm always going back and saying... no not enough evidence yet... still could be a coincidence.
The complexities of this world, and an intuitive sense that this world appears designed gives me faith. It's not even in our bodies, it's in the systems that come up in human endeavors. Like in Music and Mathematics... where I love to play. These appear designed, there's order and structure... not something I'd imagine coming out of a world that is here just because...
My built in humility and moral leanings sends me to Christ...
The thing about miracles that is most difficult is that they are never blatantly obvious. Let's say an ambulance breaks down... to save others it needs to get fixed... some one says a prayer and somehow the car starts up again... someone says it's a miracle. Well what if they had a flat tire? No one sees a flat tire automatically fix itself... How come miracles are always outside the spectator's understanding?
Wonder what it feels like to be in love?
How would you describe it, like a push or shove?
Guess I could pretend that this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed.