Popular Kid
In high school, everyone knew your name - even if you didn't know theirs.
In fact, your still skating by on your looks and charm. Nothing wrong with that!
Who Were You In High School?
oh this is sooooo wrong
I only spent 2 months in highschool anyways before breaking my foot and having to transport myself daily to and from on it, being kept from medical care until a teacher of all people pressured the call (2 fractures), and being bullied by of all persons my parent out of school. My english teacher HATED me, my math teacher loved my legs and thought and spoke that everyone else should too
No one would help me understand my bookwork instructions-or let me study. Then locks changed. It was hooorrrrible. I was definately not popular. I was however about to enroll in civics/policing.
I'm such a bad human.
Yeah I was cute and fit.
And shy, mostly non verbal, half blind and mentally disfunctioning.
A painful combination.
These are some of my worst memories.
Popular-no. I wonder what I said to get THAT answer.
"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."