^^ helps when you're coming down off of one of the least pleasant ap's out there.
one of my meds is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, as is cocaine. one of them is an effective treatment for senile dementia. one of them can prevent brain damage when given intravenously after a stroke or oxygen dep from drowning. one of them is primarily used in russia, where they use it to treat stuttering and lots of other stuff. it kills social anxiety, and lubricates social interaction. one of them is considered the root of intelligence and a gift from the gods in ancient (and modern) indian (as in the subcontinent) medicine. one of them could cause a deadly rash. and my psych thinks i'm only on two of those, and yelled at me when i admitted to using one of the above (senile dementia). his complaint was that it was too expensive, and he didn't prescribe it. i thought that was silly, as it costs $40 a month for a significant dose, until i asked at two pharmacies - apparently the same dose in america costs almost $1000 / month.
What will happen in the morning when the world it gets so crowded that you can't look out the window in the morning?
- Nick Drake