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08 Mar 2009, 5:12 am

You Know Your States


You got 9/10 correct.

You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states. ... tatesquiz/


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08 Mar 2009, 8:03 am

It's astonishing to think that a lot of people DON'T know this stuff...

You Know Your States
You got 10/10 correct.
You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states.

This was without using a map for reference. Just my brain. Geography is not properly taught in the United States, and that is a shame.



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08 Mar 2009, 8:36 am

Well, these are not my states, but I know my states pretty well: 46 of 48 points.

That said, I do not know YOUR states:

You Don't Know Your States

You got 4/10 correct.

So you really don't know the way around the map of the US.
Let's hope you're not American... or if you are, that you've never left your state!

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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08 Mar 2009, 11:02 am

You Know Your States

You got 10/10 correct.

You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states

I had to avert my eyes from all the maps all over my walls.

Thanks for the quiz! Good fun! It was hard - I usually ace geography quizzes easily.

Comprendre, c'est pardoner.


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08 Mar 2009, 11:12 am

You Don't Know Your States
You got 5/10 correct.

:oops: :oops: :oops:
I can name them all in order... but as for locating or knowing which one is more north, etc? No way.


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08 Mar 2009, 11:52 am

LostInEmulation wrote:
Well, these are not my states, but I know my states pretty well: 46 of 48 points.

That said, I do not know YOUR states:

You Don't Know Your States

You got 4/10 correct.

So you really don't know the way around the map of the US.
Let's hope you're not American... or if you are, that you've never left your state!

Well - given the fact that I didn't even know Germany HAD states you did pretty damned well! However, I did pick out Germany correctly on the map and know the leader is Angela Merkel. But I don't know her title. PM? President? Chancellor?

Comprendre, c'est pardoner.


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08 Mar 2009, 11:55 am

buryuntime wrote:
You Don't Know Your States
You got 5/10 correct.

:oops: :oops: :oops:
I can name them all in order... but as for locating or knowing which one is more north, etc? No way.

It would be freakish if you did know that stuff. It's taken a lifetime of traveling and being a map geek and a NatGeo geek and History Channel geek - and just a geek in general.

That's cool you can name them in order!

Comprendre, c'est pardoner.


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08 Mar 2009, 11:58 am

You Don't Know Your States

You got 3/10 correct.

So you really don't know the way around the map of the US.
Let's hope you're not American... or if you are, that you've never left your state!

I have never been to america, which is my excuse.

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

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08 Mar 2009, 12:22 pm

MmeLePen wrote:

Well - given the fact that I didn't even know Germany HAD states you did pretty damned well! However, I did pick out Germany correctly on the map and know the leader is Angela Merkel. But I don't know her title. PM? President? Chancellor?

Well, the official German name for a German state is Land (plural Länder) but I always think it's hard to use that in English. (What would the plural be in English? Lands? Länder?).

She is chancellor, our Bundespräsident (federal president) is Horst Köhler His position is mostly ceremonial though.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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08 Mar 2009, 8:43 pm

You Know Your States
You got 7/10 correct.

You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states.

DXed with PDD/AS,ADD,OCD, and more


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08 Mar 2009, 8:49 pm

LostInEmulation wrote:
MmeLePen wrote:

Well - given the fact that I didn't even know Germany HAD states you did pretty damned well! However, I did pick out Germany correctly on the map and know the leader is Angela Merkel. But I don't know her title. PM? President? Chancellor?

Well, the official German name for a German state is Land (plural Länder) but I always think it's hard to use that in English. (What would the plural be in English? Lands? Länder?).

She is chancellor, our Bundespräsident (federal president) is Horst Köhler His position is mostly ceremonial though.

OK - Deutsch only. And I know these are easy but I want to know. In what Länder are the following cities.:


Comprendre, c'est pardoner.


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08 Mar 2009, 10:24 pm

MmeLePen wrote:
OK - Deutsch only. And I know these are easy but I want to know. In what Länder are the following cities.:


Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin are Länder on their own. Stuttgart is in Baden-Württemberg and Munich in Bayern (Bavaria). They happen to be the state capitals of their respective Länder.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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08 Mar 2009, 10:37 pm

LostInEmulation wrote:
MmeLePen wrote:
OK - Deutsch only. And I know these are easy but I want to know. In what Länder are the following cities.:


Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin are Länder on their own. Stuttgart is in Baden-Württemberg and Munich in Bayern (Bavaria). They happen to be the state capitals of their respective Länder.

As a speed freak, I am dying to do the Autobahn. How many Länder does the Auobahn cross? And in which cities does it begin and end?

Its on my "Top 10 Things to Do Before I Die" List - but I hear they're talking about imposing a speed limit on the autobahn. So - I need to hurry.

Comprendre, c'est pardoner.


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08 Mar 2009, 11:28 pm

The Autobahn is not one road but a network of highways between different cities. There are already official speed limits on certain parts of the network and inofficial ones (traffic jams, almost constantly) on others. I have no driver's license (BTW: it is a funny fact that a driver's license in German is called Führerschein) and am not that well informed but I think a general speed limit is not likely with the lobbying of the car industry and the ADAC.

This article has a pictures of the autobahns in Germany:

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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08 Mar 2009, 11:45 pm

LostInEmulation wrote:
The Autobahn is not one road but a network of highways between different cities. There are already official speed limits on certain parts of the network and inofficial ones (traffic jams, almost constantly) on others. I have no driver's license (BTW: it is a funny fact that a driver's license in German is called Führerschein) and am not that well informed but I think a general speed limit is not likely with the lobbying of the car industry and the ADAC.

This article has a pictures of the autobahns in Germany:

Bundesautobahn. Awesome! Now I understand the network. My gearhead friends will be so impressed!! ! I love learning stuff life that!

That's good news about the speed limit. In some ways, Germany is like the US. In love with cars AND the environment. I've heard the environment is one factor in a speed limit. Its my one huge carbon indulgence. :wink: :roll:

Comprendre, c'est pardoner.


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09 Mar 2009, 12:52 am

Yeah... but in like the US, the Green Party (Bündnis '90/die Grünen occasionally translated as: Association '90/The Greens) are in parliament and even were in the coalition with the social democrats during the reign of Schröder.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

Penguins cannot fly because what cannot fly cannot crash!