Your result for The Are You an Alpha Male/Female Test...OmegaYou scored
The Are You an Alpha Male/Female Test at HelloQuizzy
this the original attempt (i honestly have ni idea, and must experiment)
Your result for The Are You an Alpha Male/Female Test...
</em></p><h4>Omega</h4><p>You scored</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/480x319/480x319/0x0/0x0/0/17290118702620881147.jpeg" width=""
the poll is just to see how that works,
and how on earth i am gonna bugger it up this time
however: if with some of your help we get it right
it may be a suitable format for all those quiz-results
this quiz surprised me, 'neither' was very apt
EDIT 2 - yes, i am effin this up, clearly
enjoy/[email protected]
i am not gonna waste more time over this;
the access to WP is MUCH TOOOOOOO SLOW
and it has been for a long while
a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it
may your god forgive you