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18 Jul 2008, 2:21 pm

try what I have done - put them on ice - put them in a container of water and leave them in the freezer.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.


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18 Jul 2008, 3:27 pm

It occured to me, as I was reading Starrs' comments that I have had something a bit "odd" happen that is like tuning into the universe. I called it , "the zen of dumpster diving". I have been poor most of my life...(not third world poor but min wage poor). I decided there are three levels to my poverty...dumpster poor, garage sale poor and thrift-store poor. Anyway, I used to mostly live by using my income for food and most personal items, bills and rent and everything else was dumpster found. Often I would have a need for a specific item...a piece of furniture, cooking pan, a coat, backpack, notebook, books, shampoo,etc and go out and find it that day. I could go months without finding such an item, but the day I realized I needed something, I would find it. I thought it was a bit odd but cool. It made me feel like a guardian angel of dumpsters was looking out for me. :D

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18 Jul 2008, 3:32 pm

krex wrote:
It made me feel like a guardian angel of dumpsters was looking out for me. :D

Word miser says: Cool. I like the imagery.

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18 Jul 2008, 3:41 pm

I do believe in pre-cog and its happened numerous times to me.

Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel

If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."


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18 Jul 2008, 3:54 pm

BazzaMcKenzie wrote:
try what I have done - put them on ice - put them in a container of water and leave them in the freezer.

Bazza! That's a great idea. Do they become brittle when they thaw?


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18 Jul 2008, 7:25 pm

I got a little confused and for a moment thought he was talking about putting my kid on ice....oh that sounds bad - doesn't it....(all gangster!)

but when she was a younger teen (no offense to all the teens out there)....I would have loved to put her attitude in the freezer!! :lol:


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18 Jul 2008, 8:31 pm

I frequently get images in my head of TV shows that are about to come on. Especially if I watch a show on a regular basis, I will get lines from a particular episode running through my head, and then that will be the next episode that comes on.


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18 Jul 2008, 9:31 pm

[b]AnAlias wrote:[/

frequently get images in my head of TV shows that are about to come on. b]

AnAlias that reminds me of when my father died. My parents were dad was in the hospital (he had prostrate cancer)...

anyway...I was 21 years old at the time....and floating around....(going to University....which I completely f**ked up....)...but anyway..

I'm crashing at me mom's for a couple of days....(it could only be a couple of days...her boyfriend despised me...)...anyway..

I was sitting and (because at that time there wasn't such a thing as a personal computer)....I had to fu**ing sit in front of the "dreaded tv"....but being desperate (what I mean by that is I was so fu**ing f**ed up that I put up with the know the price you pay for having your mind "silenced"....)....anyway...

where the fu&&k was I?

Oh dad...

I'm sitting there watching tv....this "totally fu**ing anal sit-com comes on) the way I loved it was one of my favourites!! :oops: :oops:

but that's beside the fu**ing point isn't it!!??

back to story...

this sitcom starts...(I think it was either the "Brady Bunch"...or "Lost in Space"....


It comes on at 7 p.m.

I'm sitting there.......sit-com comes on....its 7 p.m.

(all of a fu**ing second....I get this vision....(not a hallucination)....just a picture in my mind...I see my the hospital....and he dead.

I freak!! !! !! !! !!

I race out of the to the road....(mom/boyfriend not home - so no chance of a drive)....and I hitch-hke.....

this lovely lady (and her toddler) stop....and (in this day and age - that's what you can call a fuc**ing miracle)....anyway...

back to story......

this lovely lady and her child stop thier car and pick me up.....I get in the car...and I'm freaking...(I actually cry)....(but for the most part I rage!!)

she must be scared....
but she takes it in stride...and asks...
"whats wrong?"

I say....
"my father is dead!"

she doesn't say another word (thank fu**ing GD) and drives me right to the hospital....The Sudbury city in northern Ontario)

I leap out of the car.....
run into the hospital.....and into my father's room...
(I seriously don't remember how I found his room!....but I did) - how?


I walk into his room....
and he is all alone....
and quite dead....
his eyes are open....and his mouth is open....

I get stuck on this....and stare for a very long time....

just stare....
I anaylse.....him....
and stare some more....
I kinda feel sad that he died all alone...
(in retrospect - he didn't - when he died - I knew - so - he came to me - how? - I don't know - only know that I knew and he knew)

I sat there for a long time....
(all of a sudden a nurse appeared!)
she freaked out!
demanded to know what I was doing there....(I'm thinking that a dumb answer...I looking at my dead father...

I wished I would have have the ability to ask her what the fu**ck she was doing there!! !

End of story...
I was ushered out...of the room....
(what happened there?....did they feel guilty because they left my father all alone?....did they feel ashamed because I found him in such a state....dead and all alone?

who will ever know....

my take on all this:

learn to love living....right now ... - no matter how much you think it sucks.....

it doesn't....
it's all good....(except when it's bad) :lol: :lol:

but my questiion is: how did I know? did I know that moment of my father's death? The picture that I got in my head....where did it come from?


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18 Jul 2008, 11:25 pm

291 people have viewed this post......and only a small number of you "quiet lurkers" have posted a reply..... :twisted: think you can hide...but you can't ....old lady sister is watching you me.... :twisted: those who lurk and don't reply I guess that means:

you don't have any kind of "6th sense"..
that's okay....I'm just a little alll.... :)


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19 Jul 2008, 12:11 am

Did I sound hostile?

maybe I was....

(mayhap she was and/or mayhap she wasn't)

sorry If (she was)....
huh??? arrrggg!

then she steps over to the counter.....and sees the "sorry jar"....
she quickly deposits thee pennies...
and then...
another one for "good measure"

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21 Jul 2008, 8:38 pm

that happens to me all the time! it's subconscious calculation (check out the book "blink").
i know when it's about to rain because i intuitively recognize changes in air pressure (story: last month we had a freak lightning storm here in cali during my garage sale. i was chilling on the porch and it was hot and sunny... all of a sudden i leapt up and hollered at my roomate "it's going to RAIN!! grab everything quick! quick!" -completely panicking because we had electronics like the xbox and laptop out- and he stood there while i frantically cleared an entire table, looking at the sky and telling me to calm down because there was no rain. i'd moved to the second table when i heard him say "oh s***...", and the rain starting pouring in huge drops. it stopped about three minutes later.)
this happens all the time. my friends think i'm from another planet :p

then they put me on adderall and i learned to do it with everything... i can calculate primes and read in other languages and crazy, crazy nonsense. my mum's dog "told" me his hips were "falling apart" so i told my mom and she said they just found out he has hip dysplasia. the baby cries and then stops, and cries and stops on the highway going almost constant speed, and mum goes "why does she do this? i can never figure it out!" and i said, "she stops when you accelerate". sure enough.
i live ninety miles away from my mom.

anyway, i'm off the adderall for a bit so i can't stay long with anything- and i'm rambling- so ttfn.
