newnoz wrote:
itw wrote:
I seem to get easily overwhelmed with things going on in my life. That (and the social phobia) is what causes a lot of my anxiety. I recently quit my part-time job and am a full-time mom/wife. I've been doing home maintenance that has been put on hold for a while and it seems other things keep piling up. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with it all that I shut down or have melt downs. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I just know that all the NT's I know think I have it very easy.
I don't know what it is but i have the same experience. I'm 56 and no longer a mom work wise but holding down more than a part time job is hard for me. I'm not enamored with housework though. I will do all sorts of other things like cooking and baking and gardening happily but i find myself not doing them cause i am trying to force myself to do the miserable dishes first. I'm a champion procrastinator at home. i like the structure of work but i haven't the stamina and some days i'm just useless. other days i'm too stressed to do a good job. Also i beat myself up if i don't do a good job. Is perfectionism part of all this?
I just try to keep from meltdown mostly. I haven't a clue how i managed to raise my kids. the fact that they won't talk to me right now may give you a clue.
On the other hand some things that used to set me off no longer does. I think i'm making progress but it never seems like it is enough for some other people.
Take care, Nora
itw wrote:
I'm 48 and have 2 teenagers that are NT. My husband's a NT and very extroverted. He deals with most of the kid stuff. I'd be an awful mother on my own. Unfortunately, our house is a central hub so all their friends want to congregate at our house. I find myself taking more and more lorazapam (avidan? spelling?) just to deal with the constant stream of kids at our house. When it gets really bad, I go to my bedroom and read with earplugs in. My oldest is a senior in high school and wants to go to college across the state so, that will cut down on all his friends coming over. I'll miss him, though. Both my kids are pretty good. They know when it's getting to be too much for me and suggest going somewhere else.