dband, I was in your EXACT same situation at my wedding, everything that you shared was the same for me. I was an expatriate, which made for a good excuse for the fact that I had only 10 friends from my side and little family and he had a lot more, even though he's an introvert.
From my experience: what's most important is what YOU want. Do you want a big wedding? I very much wanted a big wedding and he reacted exactly like your fiance. What I did in order to have more friends from my side was invite each of my best friends' best friends. It turned out to be a wonderful idea, because they knew me and were happy to be invited, I was happy to have them, and they could enjoy themselves having their best friend with them, and without knowing anyone else to greet and do smalltalk with. And my best friends were happy too, because they had their own best friends at their side all evening. I also invited my sister's best friend. So instead of 5 friends from my side, there was a full table of 10 friends of mine, all single, making a lot of enthusiastic noise and chatting away, happy to finally get to know each other, they pampered me a lot and we were all happy. I loved the wedding, had the best time, so did my (now ex) husband.
So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.