I'm 61 now...They stopped carding me in my mid-thirties, but I'm still getting comments from people saying that I sound so young on the phone, that I look and move and act younger than my age. Now I get 'senior carded' in reverse for the discounts and all...although a lot of those won't kick in for a few more years.
It seems to be one of the qualities of a spectrumite. Somehow we always retain a childlike or (horrors) a 'cute' quality. It can be extremely limiting and frustrating when we want to be taken seriously or treated like an adult. - It happens even when working hard to appear serious and mature.
My dad was on the spectrum, and I cant tell you the number of times that people would gush at me about how 'cute' he was - they said he reminded them of a garden gnome. Yes, he was short and had a white beard and even wore an orange knit cap...but he was also an incredibly kind, deeply spiritual,highly talented and intelligent adult - mature in a profound way that most NT's who really got to know him well could only marvel over.
Perhaps our 'inner child' lives closer to the surface all our lives - and this is what the NT world perceives? I can tell you one upside, when they ask you later 'how do you stay so young looking?' Just smile, shrug and say, must be my good genes or something.
Then again, maybe I should set up a lab behind the garage and crank out some snake oil - and tell 'em 'this is IT - my magic fountain of youth potion!! !! Finally, a way to cash in on spectrum! Trouble is, I can't perpetrate a fraud to save myself...oh well.