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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Mar 2010, 3:53 pm

I'm 32 this year and people still tell me, treat me, or mistake me for a teenage boy. I would really love some decent facial hair to give me a bit of age, but even that's beyond me and I have to keep clean shaven. It's just destroyed me to be honest, I'm not even bothering looking for work. When I have worked in the past, well, people seem to relish in making fun of my looks in their duo/trio (bullying). Just recently I met a new mental health worker, she said "I've got a son about your age, he's just finished his A levels." She was 41.

Pic: this is me

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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20 Mar 2010, 4:36 pm

I am always Id'ed when I am buying beer only even(beer is free to buy at 16 y here)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Jan 2013, 1:58 pm

Yes, I'm 37 and 4 ft 10'' tall. Some people think that I'm a young boy, others can easily tell my age but, the majority think I'm a teenager.


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31 Jan 2013, 10:43 pm

I'm 61 now...They stopped carding me in my mid-thirties, but I'm still getting comments from people saying that I sound so young on the phone, that I look and move and act younger than my age. Now I get 'senior carded' in reverse for the discounts and all...although a lot of those won't kick in for a few more years.

It seems to be one of the qualities of a spectrumite. Somehow we always retain a childlike or (horrors) a 'cute' quality. It can be extremely limiting and frustrating when we want to be taken seriously or treated like an adult. - It happens even when working hard to appear serious and mature.

My dad was on the spectrum, and I cant tell you the number of times that people would gush at me about how 'cute' he was - they said he reminded them of a garden gnome. Yes, he was short and had a white beard and even wore an orange knit cap...but he was also an incredibly kind, deeply spiritual,highly talented and intelligent adult - mature in a profound way that most NT's who really got to know him well could only marvel over.

Perhaps our 'inner child' lives closer to the surface all our lives - and this is what the NT world perceives? I can tell you one upside, when they ask you later 'how do you stay so young looking?' Just smile, shrug and say, must be my good genes or something.

Then again, maybe I should set up a lab behind the garage and crank out some snake oil - and tell 'em 'this is IT - my magic fountain of youth potion!! !! Finally, a way to cash in on spectrum! Trouble is, I can't perpetrate a fraud to save myself...oh well.

Snowy Owl
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01 Feb 2013, 7:41 am

I was carded also into my late 20s and in my mid 30s i was mistaken for kids by teachers at the high school i worked at and the boys made passes.. thank god now at 54 my hair has enough silver in it to stop that foolisness but i still look and act much younger.

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Tufted Titmouse
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01 Feb 2013, 12:23 pm

Ye i'm 26 and still get asked for id and when i say im 26 people dont believe me


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04 Feb 2013, 2:50 pm

I always thought I looked old for my age but being ID'ed fairly recently and my GF commenting constantly 'are you SURE you are 30?' and joking about my "faked" birth certificate makes me wonder. I do dress like a teenager and most people I hang around with are in their early 20s yet I get along best with seniors and children.

I've been told I look about 25 when I'm actually 30. Based on how much of a late bloomer I am, 25 is probably not far off my "real" age. Almost 10 years since my university graduation and I would still blend right in!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Feb 2013, 10:59 pm

I used to. That was when I had long hair. Now I shave my head and wear a mustache. I never get carded anymore. I'm 27, but most people think I'm slightly younger. I hate it. I'm also short. I hate that. But I hate most things about me.

Tufted Titmouse
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19 Feb 2013, 5:23 pm

Yep, I'm 31. I get carded sometimes. People tend to think I'm 20-22.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Feb 2013, 11:14 pm

I'm 39 but people always think I am in my 20's or younger. The drinking age here is 18. I still get carded a couple of times a year.


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20 Feb 2013, 7:26 pm

After having just shaved off my winter beard, one of the guys at work said I look about 12, (Iam 54).

I started a new job when I was 30 and one woman asked me if it was my first job, she thought I was 16.

I answered the door of my own house to somebody who asked to speak to my Mum.

I think I have it even worst as I am of the Baltic peoples who tend to be baby faced anyway, on top of which I also have the lost child look of those who where in care.


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04 Mar 2013, 5:26 pm

I am 37 and I still usually get treated like a teenager. Half of my hair at the temples is already white, and I still get that. Dressed in my usual ensemble of man's T shirt, cargo pants and army boots, that is. Guessing biological sex in that case is absolutely random with me, which adds up to the former, I think.
When dress up my perceived age might crawl to early twenties but not every time. I went to my one and only ever school reunion in 20 years last year and it was very awkward as I stood out a mile out of the crowd as if i was there by mistake.


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04 Mar 2013, 8:10 pm

I am 31 and every time I'm carded, the person is shocked that I'm old enough to drink. :lol:


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21 Mar 2013, 11:30 am

Yes, soo many times. I am still scouted by people who think I am just a freshman, gullible to work in their club. :roll:

People 15 years younger than me, look down at me, thinking I am their junior and wanting to boss me around. :?

But I do not mind being considered a "junior," because I really do not want to be considered a "senior" 8O


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28 Mar 2013, 12:09 pm

Yes. I am 40 and get carded every time I buy wine. People are always flabbergasted when I tell them how old I am, they think I'm in my early 20s. ;)

They call me a delicate flower like it's a bad thing...

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29 Mar 2013, 3:53 pm

I'm 25, and I once got denied service trying to buy beer at a baseball game because the woman started yelling at me that my ID is obviously a fake and that she was going to call the cops if I didn't leave.

My wife is 27, and she hasn't gotten carded more than occasionally since she was 22 or 23. I get carded every single time.

I sometimes wonder if it has something to do with my facial expressions or the way I carry myself or my clothes, because I don't think I look objectively young (and neither do the few people who know me well).