Confused-Fish wrote:
i hardly ever make eye contact, i always look at the skin just below the eyes, tis much easier.
I never thought of that. What a great idea!
I had tried looking at a point between the eyes, but that really didn't work for me.
Looking someone in the eyes feels confrontational. I have been trying to do this, but it is draining and frustrating as well. I lose focus on I am trying to communicate to them in the first place. It is like having to do two seperate things at once (communicating and looking in the eyes... very disjointed).
Bah... I read my earlier post from last year on this topic. I will continue to work on this.
The skin below the eyes may not work for me... that area for some people can be wrinkled and bruised. I would get fixed on the wrinkles and the bruising would remind me of my allergies and I would start to mentally focus on those instead of the conversation.
Perhaps looking at eyebrow would be more efficent. Hmmm... maybe not. Only one way to find out.