mv wrote:
RaquiGirl wrote:
I have the same problem... I never know what to say and it always feels pointless.. The trouble is that most people are helped by talking about their problems with a therapist, but I have learned that I have to talk to a therapist who can give me clear-cut directions on what to do, or exercises to help solve my problems. Just talking about it seems pointless to me and doesn't help me "feel better" at all, so sometimes it takes a while to find a therapist who will give me practical guidelines for solving my issues, rather than one who just wants to talk about my problems without doing anything about them. Bleh.
This. x1000.
Chuck Swindoll, a Christian pastor -- -- once said something to this effect:
"Anyone who attempts to help someone else without having first overcome the same difficulty ought to be shot!"
Finding a therapist with true life experience that can actually help people like us is virtually impossible. So, the best I have ever done with them is to just try to pick up a few good thoughts along the way.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.