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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Jun 2011, 1:23 pm

What is your first name? Barry
Age: 49
Location: Orlando, FL

Current perseverations: tiki carving, tube amp & effects design, learning to play any instrument I can get my hands on, brewing beer

When did you discover AS? about a month ago

Do you have other psych diagnoses? long term depression

Do you have a degree? BBA in Music Business, Music minor

Kids? slow roasted

Favorite music? whatever is paying

Job? touring monitor engineer - currently between gigs

Relationship with significant other, past or present? blessed for the last 23 years with a wonderful NT artist wife. Why she has stayed around I still don't know..........

Plans for the future? peace & serenity

Anything else you feel is pertinent:


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13 Jun 2011, 12:24 pm

What is your first name? John

Age: 32

Location: Arizona

Current perseverations: Comics (reading and writing), Music

When did you discover AS? I've known about it for a long time. I have many of the traits but none of the sterotpyical ones so I just assumed I had lots of quirks until talking to the doctor last week and it was explained that not all AS is the same. Now after researching it I can't believe it was never discovered before.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? ADD

Do you have a degree? Masters in Philosophy

Kids? 3

Favorite music, other than NIN? Punk although I like most music

Job? Marriage Prep

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married

Plans for the future? Keep working and taking care of my kids

Anything else you feel is pertinent:Nope

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Jun 2011, 12:22 pm

What is your first name? Jenny.

Age: 42.

Location: England.

Current perseverations: Cocktails, terrorism, Georgian silver, violent radicalisation.

When did you discover AS? About 15 years ago.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? No.

Do you have a degree? Yes (seven at last count and an uncompleted PhD).

Kids? No.

Favorite music: Stephan Eicher, Francis Cabrel, Annie Lennox.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Amicably divorced.

Job? Public sector, but it is not certain for how much longer.

Plans for the future? Survive redundancies in my sector and finish PhD.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Still trying to figure out how to have a life and ASD.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Jun 2011, 12:22 pm

What is your first name? Jenny.

Age: 42.

Location: England.

Current perseverations: Cocktails, terrorism, Georgian silver, violent radicalisation.

When did you discover AS? About 15 years ago.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? No.

Do you have a degree? Yes (seven at last count and an uncompleted PhD).

Kids? No.

Favorite music: Stephan Eicher, Francis Cabrel, Annie Lennox.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Amicably divorced.

Job? Public sector, but it is not certain for how much longer.

Plans for the future? Survive redundancies in my sector and finish PhD.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Still trying to figure out how to have a life and ASD.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Jun 2011, 12:25 pm

Sorry for the double post.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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26 Jun 2011, 4:37 pm

What is your first name? Phil

Age: 50

Location: Wales

Current perseverations: capillary fluid dynamics

When did you discover AS? a long time ago

Do you have other psych diagnoses? No.

Do you have a degree? Yes - Computer Programming

Kids? No.

Favorite music: anything that sounds ok to me - but rap is cr@p to me

Relationship with significant other, past or present? long term waning relationship

Job? company director

Plans for the future? peace of mind

Anything else you feel is pertinent: in a city of about 300,000 I seem to live in isolation - even though I work in a busy place and am surrounded by and talk to people all day long


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28 Jun 2011, 3:07 pm

What is your first name? Michael.

Age: 53.

Location: Texas.

Current perseverations: Chess, poetry in self-invented forms, artificial languages, astronomy, Steampunk.

When did you discover AS? First started hearing about it a few years ago. In the beginning i thought, "okay, that's obvious, but what difference does it make to have a name for it?" Then i started discovering how a lot of the things i'd always assumed peculiar to myself, weren't. I thought, "that's interesting. so how am i really unique apart from all that?" Lately, i've begun to see how real discrimination exists, not just as separate incidents of when someone didn't like me as a person. Not sure of what such a politicized awareness really entails (--probably not demonstrations in the streets)....

Do you have other psych diagnoses? No. I don't trust that kind of doctor. To me it's not such a huge improvement that they went from locking weird people up, to keeping them on pills to make them act more normal. (That doesn't mean i don't have compassion for those who need medicine, for example, to keep from hearing voices.)

Do you have a degree? I have a Bachelor's in Video Art. Does that count? (Actually, i consider myself wholly self-educated.)

Kids? No. Never wanted any. I read the Club of Rome Report when i was in my early teens, & decided then & there not to put any more humans on this planet. --I still don't understand how any intelligent person can feel otherwise.

Favorite music: All kinds. Especial regard for Alban Berg, Penderecki & Messaien in classical; foreign music, from the area where Europe meets Asia; obscure prog rock; what i call "stone age electronic music" (Moogs that sound like Moogs & not something else); what's marketed now as "early music" (before Beethoven); bluegrass but not the recent country; Japanese pop & its strange progeny; & a few idiosyncratic artists from the present day.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Been with the same woman for 16 years. We don't understand each other.

Job? Mostly in used bookstores for the last 18 years. Before that i worked in a bank.

Plans for the future? I'd like to learn Turkish, complete another oil painting, get out of debt.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Between Peak Oil & Global Warming, i find it hard to be sanguine about the future.

"I have always found that Angels have the vanity
to speak of themselves as the only wise; this they
do with a confident insolence sprouting from systematic
reasoning." --William Blake


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03 Jul 2011, 7:01 pm

What is your first name? Trista

Age: 50

Location: AZ and CA US

Current perseverations: Dumpster shopping for art supplies and material for my creations

When did you discover AS? Dx'd mid 80's, heard about it in early 80's and got curious.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? agoraphobia, anxiety disorder, social phobia

Do you have a degree? Assoc Ind Eng

Kids? 2 B,G both grown

Favorite music, other than NIN Varies with mood, emo and alt right now

Job? retired early. Conventional work is too taxing now.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? living apart

Plans for the future? none, tired of planning. day bv day now

Anything else you feel is pertinent: intersexed, transgendered

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 Jul 2011, 7:48 pm

I'm new here - hope I'm doing this right...

What is your first name? Kelsey

Age: 50

Location: Florida

Current perseverations: writing, piano, painting, researching and understanding AS...

When did you discover AS? About 6 months ago, but I think it was in the back of my mind for a while.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Anxiety, but it's getting better since diagnosis

Do you have a degree? BS, MS and someday will finish PhD I hope.

Kids? 3 awsome (mostly) grown kids

Favorite music, other than NIN: I like it all (but rap)

Job? Therapist

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Past, not present though.

Plans for the future? I'd like to move out of Florida, write books, paint, write music and play with my dogs more.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Relatively newly diagnosed, after son was diagnosed as usual. It seems to be a process, but it is the only thing that has made sense to me. Is anyone else recently diagnosed? I'd like to hear how you went through the adjustment. I feel much more at peace and seem to have more energy to create, maybe from not trying to fit into the NT world.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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13 Jul 2011, 11:04 pm

What is your first name? Brandon

Age: 49

Location: San Bernardino, California USA

Current perseverations: Recently I've just been trying to find a clinic that specializes in autism and can help me with a diagnosis. I'm on Medi-Cal- Perseverations: My classical music blog on blogger called ClassicalRap, writing, building my mp3 music collection and organizing it :D Trying to get my current screenplay read by someone in the film industry, looking for an open mike night somewhere to perform music on my guitar. I'm quite good, and have developed a fairly sizable repertoire since I was very young, reading and participating in my favorite blog: UncommonDescent. Reading books on science, philosophy and religion. I gave up other perseverations a while ago. Now I'm only interested in things that might be productive. From time to time I like to go to thrifts stores and purchase inexpensive but unique items for my apartment. I'm also a composer of classical music. I've written several short piano pieces and a symphony. Right now I'm working on a piano concerto. I've completed the 2nd Adagio movement and am now working on the 1st movement; which is creating some difficulty, but I'll get over it eventually.

When did you discover AS? Through my professional work. I worked as a program director in what's called an IMD (Institute for mental disease) It was basically a locked nursing home that specializes in the care of adults with mental illness diagnoses. The unit I was managing had a specialized program for adults who are "dually diagnosed" with developmental disabilities and mental illness. I came across several patients (residents) with an Asperger's syndrome diagnosis. Because of my seemingly intelligent demeanor I often get promoted into management positions when I'm working, which end up being quite difficult for me. I can't handle the stress, and I'm terribly disorganized, even though I get irritated with disorder. Generally if a situation isn't well organized with protocol I feel limited and not certain what I should do. I think my problems on the job were due to having to work with new management who didn't have all the same organizational skills as the previous management. This caused a lot of distress for me.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? I was diagnosed many years ago as an adult with major depressive disorder. I've been hospitalized 7 times in the last 13 years for suicidal ideation and planing. I lost my job a little over a year ago due to the continued stresses I encountered on the job. I was homeless for a while, and recently began receiving disability benefits. I currently live on my own in an apartment building for people with disabilities. After reading a lot on Asperger's syndrome I feel that all my problems with depression and anxiety began not when I was an adult, but when I was much younger. Asperger's diagnostic criteria seems to fit me quite well. What's interesting is that with all of the psychiatrists I've seen over the years, nobody picked up on my main issue of anxiety - not even me. I think it's because I got over a lot of my childhood anxiety out of necessity. But I still have issues, and medication doesn't seem to work well. The thing that seemed to work the best for me was going through Electro-Convulsive Therapy a few years ago. After that, despite the initial memory problems, I did quite well for about 3 years. Then I started having problems again and wasn't on any medication.

Do you have a degree? I dropped out of college in my Jr. year. I couldn't handle the stresses nor the college environment. I went back to college about 10 years ago just to see if I could do it. I took a course at Cal Sate San Bernardino and was pretty much at the top fo that class, but I didn't continue due to schedule constraints, since I was working full time. I can't really organize a schedule like that. I need a lot of down time.

Kids? I don't have kids and have never been married. I had a cat for a while, but he ran away. I love animals, and I think having pets like cats and dogs is a really good and therapeutic thing for people with social anxiety. Unfortunately the management of my apartment building has decided not to allow me to have a kitten for reasons that don't sound too reasonable.

Favorite music, other than NIN I love classical music, and folk/blues - especially Bob Dylan, Bruce Cockburn, Joni Mitchell, Eric Clapton and many others. Music is a huge part of my life.

Job? I am currently unemployed.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? I had a girlfriend in High school. It worked for about 2 weeks until I tried to be intimate. It didn't work. I felt very awkward. I was simply trying to cover up being gay. But that issue for me has problems as well. I'm not seeking that kind of relationship any more. It doesn't work for me. I'm also a Christian. I'm not "closeted," and I don't appreciate people who say "well, you were born that way, just accept it." I have accepted it, but I don't believe it ends there. I have as much difficulty being intimate with men as I have with women. That's why I believe my social phobia finds it's genesis in Asperger's syndrome, not in being gay. I don't come across as being gay to most people, which is why women are still trying to hit on me. :D

Plans for the future? Lots of plans. I'm writing what I call a Biographical Rant on the Consequences of Being Different. That's the subtitle. The main titel is A Jubilant Toxic Cloud Parade. The title comes from an incident when I was living on an air force base in Eastern Canada in the early 1970s where the base was frequently sprayed with insecticide due to the many mosquitos in the area. As kids we enjoyed running through the toxic cloud of insecticide behind the truck that sprayed it. Nobody told us not to do this; not even the driver of the truck. So the theme of the book is growing up in the 70s and how there wasn't much concern for the safety of children, nor for the recognition or care for children who don't fit in. I've written two chapters so far. Also, a friend and I are interested in writing screenplays. We are looking into starting a small indie film production company. Right now we're looking for a good cinematic video camera that's within our very limited budget.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Not really. If anybody has some pointers on where I can be properly diagnosed in the San Bernardino area, I would appreciate it.

Also: I'm a gay person who has the peculiarity of not wanting to be. The whole gay movement in my view and experience has become one of conformity. I want out. I don't need to express my sexual preference to enjoy my life. I've discovered that after several years of looking for the "right" person; and it doesn't work. I prefer just to have friends. Friends are more intimate to me than sexual partners. Of course my film partner disagrees with my views on gay life (he's gay too), but we're still friends.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Aug 2011, 11:07 am

What is your first name? Hillary

Age: 19

Location: Texarkana,Arkansas,USA

Current perseverations: listening to music, making art, reading books, watching tv,surfing the net.

When did you discover AS? Feb. of this year.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Attention deficit disorder,anxiety disorder/panic attacks,depression, social anxiety disorder.

Do you have a degree? No,I'm working on my Ass. of arts right now.

Kids? No.

Favorite music? Some pop music, some rock music,some Instrumental music, Disney soundtracks that are before 1990, J-Pop (or just Japanese music in general), Kpop, and Classic music.

Job? No.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Not much.

Plans for the future? Hoping I can my degree in art, get a job with Art, and move out of my hometown.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: I see stuff in colors/pictures. Can't do much math, nor science. Just really loves music, and I'm kinda of a kid still but sometimes more mature at time. Has a twin sister, who is two minutes older than me. :D


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11 Aug 2011, 5:09 am

Do people actually read these?

What is your first name? Ball

Age: 32 I think

Location: Oregon usually, but have been known to wander.

Current perseverations: Rock climbing, mtbiking, programming, graphics, reading about economics, politics, epistemology, whatever. Metalworking or other crafts.

When did you discover AS? When life kicked my butt, spat me out, and everybody shugged their shoulders. After dropping out of college.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Nope. That didn't stop f-ing psychs from TRYING to though. Ultimately, the only thing I can't shrug off is this AS thing.

Do you have a degree? Couldn't handle the college social BS. I could go back but I have no interest in being in massive debt.

Kids? They were tender and delicious. I mean, no.

Favorite music, other than NIN: Pretty much everything except pop rock or pop country. Used to only like metal but I'm into nearly everything now.

Job? Last job was computer programming/developer. Been unemployed for a while, but I'd rather be working!

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Had a GF for a year then dumped her recently. She was making demands I couldn't handle. She taught me a lot, though, and got me to appreciate having a hot GF.

Plans for the future? My immediate plans are to finish my 250W photovoltaic project for the van then hopefully find some employment. Failing that, make some employment. Also want to learn to ski sometime so I have something better to do in the winter than drive south and escape bad weather.


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15 Aug 2011, 9:27 am

What is your first name? Ashley

Age: 30

Location: North Carolina

Current perseverations: AS, Psychology

When did you discover AS? A month ago.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Nope.

Do you have a degree? GED

Kids? 13 girl NT, 5 boy AS (likely, undiagnosed) 2 boy NT

Favorite music, other than NIN Dave Matthews, Norah Jones, Regina Spektor, Peter Gabriel


Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married

Plans for the future? Surviving? :)

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Finishing up remodeling our bedroom, entering into the field/education of psychology, gardening.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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23 Aug 2011, 11:08 am

What is your first name? Todd

Age: 63

Location: Ny State in the woods

Current perseverations: AS, Psychology, recovery (from self medication in various forms) the books I write about it photography, photoshop, nature

When did you discover AS?Have had suspicions and theories for a couple of years now just took the tests a month ago
Do you have other psych diagnoses? No don't let them close enough.

Do you have a degree? ba

Kids? 2 women now 32 and 34

Favorite music,Mozart Pink Floyd, Blue Grass Gospel

Job? Retired Geek

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married 2nd time - this time it is working

Plans for the future? Wheeeeee
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Life is very good have been in recovery from various behaviors and substances for 24 years in that time have overcome to some degree much of the social ineptitude that was in many ways the reason I self medicated. I am not cured.

The books I am working on are called very simple guides and they may well strike a chord here and they are free for the viewing
requires flash and good connection though


click here to read it

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Aug 2011, 11:58 am

What is your first name? C.J.

Age: 27

Location: Cambridge, MA

Current perseverations: Photography, Netflix, Writing/blogging

When did you discover AS? It's been pretty obvious to everyone else (I was teased pretty intensely in college into adulthood, and I had no idea how different I was or why) I was properly diagnosed when my other chronic physical ailments were unearthed in 2009.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Not yet, but it seems like they are trying.

Do you have a degree? BA Theatre Studies, Political Science

Kids? nope and not interested

Favorite music, other than NIN: underground hip-hop acts, pop, and dance

Job? Line producer for indie films

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Currently (engaged together two years)

Plans for the future? Finish a couple of my screenplays, drive across country and move to Cali, learn to surf, become a valley girl and Writer-Director


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07 Sep 2011, 1:27 pm

Joshua, aged 36.3 years; currently living in sunny, scenic rural Nebraska,

Current perseverations: cooking and knives; pop music (specifically tonality and verse chorus structural arrangements); hand tools (their usage and manufacture, especially small craft needlework and human powered machines, such as a mandrel or bicycle.)

When did I discover I had AS? last year

Do you have other psych diagnoses? post traumatic stress, and also dubious old diagnosises of bipolar, anxiety and ADD that are likely to be a misdiagnosis of AS. I'm awful skilled at getting misdiagnosed.

Do you have a degree? no way

Kids? no way

Favorite music lots, usually genre benders or gernre starters

Job? chef and unemployed, alternately

Relationship with significant other, past or present? divorced, currently partnered to a cat :p

Plans for the future? more of the same; hoping for early retirement as my heart will probably give out in my 40s like it does for most of my family, and I have a do-not-recussitate