40+ Something L & D - Why and How of Marriage (9/10)

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11 Nov 2011, 4:40 pm

HopefulRomantic wrote:

First and foremost, I hope your doctors are able to pull a House and provide you with a diagnosis soon. Perhaps, most importantly, you have abundant tenacity as you have mentioned frequently in your forum posts. The bottom line is you possess the mental fortitude to hang in there without exception until they get you some relief.

As to your sister's ostracizing you - I think it speaks volumes about her, not you. Although I don't know her in real life, at minimum I think her not providing you with an explanation is impolite.

In this life, some people lack the ability to empathize - much to their detriment in my opinion. End of the day, all we can do is control our attitudes and actions.

My sincere hope is that this series of threads provides some comfort to you. Maybe in a way, we are like an Internet family of sorts. Two WP members have told me via PM that they are pleasantly astonished that there has not been any "pervasive nastiness" in any of these threads. I agree wholeheartedly.

On a more personal note, this whole exercise has utterly transformed my life. In a way, I am on the mental journey of a lifetime in which I have systematically ripped myself down to my innermost core because I am at a huge crossroads in my life. I want to position myself to make wise choices.

And it is not a coincidence that this NT (meaning me) came here looking for answers, empathy and wisdom. For what it's worth, your posts have been crucial in my personal growth! Thanks!


>The Doctors .. Theyhave been wonderful at the Veterans Hospital ! I'm finding that my old health care provider system was a complete joke. They didn't do very much investigating, a minimulist approach and even when tests were done,..biopsy, and results came back inconclusive they just said "oh well" and did nothing further.

>Sister, she stole some valuable items from me and gave them to her boyfriend, ie tools and collectables. She said she lost them and when I was there fixing her house, ....flooded basement after her BF put holes in the floor and walls, which turned into geysers with the spring thaw. Her explaination....."I needed them" and has not returned them. I'm willing to forget the whole thing, Additionally her son is aspie, which is how I discovered that I am, and quite probably our father. Her son has much more dificulties than I do. Now that I know the how and why, I am much more fully functioning. In a nutshell, I fixed the glitchs

>"Maybe in a way, we are like an Internet family" You'll have to forgive my pov ....I can not think of you as a sister, It is too late for that and now would be considered just plain wrong on many levels. :wink: read as much into that as possible. :D

> attitudes and actions..pervasive nastiness and lacking the ability to empathize.....Life is too short for BS like that ! !! !

On a more personal note, this whole exercise has utterly transformed my life. In a way, I am on the mental journey of a lifetime in which I have systematically ripped myself down to my innermost core because I am at a huge crossroads in my life. I want to position myself to make wise choices.

And it is not a coincidence that this NT (meaning me) came here looking for answers, empathy and wisdom. For what it's worth, your posts have been crucial in my personal growth! Thanks!

OK its your turn to answer some questions, If you don't mind?

How has this transformed your life ?
Why do you feel that your at a crossroad of your mental journey ?
Wise choices?
How and why did you find yourself here looking for answers and wisdom?
How have these posts helped your personal growth?

Additionally you are very welcome! and thank you as well ! !

"I feel as if I am walking in the rain, everyone else has an umbrella,
but I do not. I am soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold."


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11 Nov 2011, 5:17 pm

gadge wrote:
HopefulRomantic wrote:
shrox wrote:
HopefulRomantic wrote:
shrox wrote:
Am I the only divorced aspie?

Apparently not Commander Shrox - although you maybe the only divorced Aspie who commands a starship!!

On a more personal note, do you take passengers onboard your starship? Please advise. Thanks!

I lost the ship in the divorce...now it just hangs there in geostationary orbit, mocking me...


These days I am trying to follow my instincts. My instincts tell me this: the starship might be a vestige of your past - one you no longer need or want. Ultimately, only you know if this is correct.

Moreover, as a highly creative artist/animator (I checked out your link), I think you are capable of constructing/building a new starship if you are so inclined.


[please excuse my analagy],

We all seem to be on a Star Trek of our own. The Saturn series of rockets could only take us to the moon. They were disposable, ineffiecient and loud as hell.

The original, space ship, was one designed a while ago when we first started our quest to make it to the moon. Now that we have been there its time to undertake a more of a continuing mission. To boldly go ......

With the knowledge we have obtained over our many diverse missions encompassing every quadrant of the universe the original design can be greatly improved.
The alien species we have encountered have offer us some of their technology. An insight of their religions, customs, and views
Some spiecies have been ones that we assisted, others assist us in our quest for knowledge, Yet still...occasionally we find ourselves confronting the unknown.

VV Star Trek Enterprise intro VV

Full version "Faith of the Heart" by Russel Watson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-VUoGSf ... re=related

Additionally if you would like to build a new starship I will gladly assist. I love to build anything!
Myself , I'd like to go th the stars ! !
I've been to the moon and its fairly barren, covered with regolith and lacks a breathable atmosphere.

To boldly go ...... occasionally we find ourselves confronting the unknown.


Hello! I absolutely loved this post. When I listened to "Faith of the Heart" I started to cry and sob - in a good way. Thanks for that!

I wonder if Shrox is amenable to building the new starship with you. As I am highly unmechanically inclined, I will gladly assist in behind the scenes tasks (accounting/finance, procurement - you know the administrative drivel).

I think I would like to travel to the stars as well . .. . . . .. . . . . to boldly go . . . .


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11 Nov 2011, 5:40 pm

shrox wrote:
gadge wrote:
...Additionally if you would like to build a new starship I will gladly assist. I love to build anything!
Myself , I'd like to go th the stars ! !
I've been to the moon and its fairly barren, covered with regolith and lacks a breathable atmosphere.

I just need funding...

Commander Shrox,

So glad to have you aboard our team. Apparently, you were making this making this post while I was making mine wondering if you would join. I am ecstatic that you are in!

We will obtain the funding.

Again thanks for joining!


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11 Nov 2011, 5:58 pm

@ HopefulRomantic sorry to make you cry even in a good way.... :roll:

not sure if you caught this, if you would care to elaborate,
if not thats fine. I'm just courious :)

Gadge wrote

OK its your turn to answer some questions, If you don't mind?

How has this transformed your life ?
Why do you feel that your at a crossroad of your mental journey ?
Wise choices?
How and why did you find yourself here looking for answers and wisdom?
How have these posts helped your personal growth?

"I feel as if I am walking in the rain, everyone else has an umbrella,
but I do not. I am soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold."


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11 Nov 2011, 6:04 pm

gadge wrote:
@ HopefulRomantic sorry to make you cry even in a good way.... :roll:

not sure if you caught this, if you would care to elaborate,
if not thats fine. I'm just courious :)

Gadge wrote
OK its your turn to answer some questions, If you don't mind?

How has this transformed your life ?
Why do you feel that your at a crossroad of your mental journey ?
Wise choices?
How and why did you find yourself here looking for answers and wisdom?
How have these posts helped your personal growth?


I am grateful you made me cry. It's a good thing!

In the spirit of candor and reciprocity, I will answer all your inquiries gladly.

At this point, please feel free to just call me Leslie because that is who I am! I will begin answering them in short order. It is now 6:05 PM EST 11/11/11.


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11 Nov 2011, 8:31 pm

gadge wrote:
HopefulRomantic wrote:

First and foremost, I hope your doctors are able to pull a House and provide you with a diagnosis soon. Perhaps, most importantly, you have abundant tenacity as you have mentioned frequently in your forum posts. The bottom line is you possess the mental fortitude to hang in there without exception until they get you some relief.

As to your sister's ostracizing you - I think it speaks volumes about her, not you. Although I don't know her in real life, at minimum I think her not providing you with an explanation is impolite.

In this life, some people lack the ability to empathize - much to their detriment in my opinion. End of the day, all we can do is control our attitudes and actions.

My sincere hope is that this series of threads provides some comfort to you. Maybe in a way, we are like an Internet family of sorts. Two WP members have told me via PM that they are pleasantly astonished that there has not been any "pervasive nastiness" in any of these threads. I agree wholeheartedly.

On a more personal note, this whole exercise has utterly transformed my life. In a way, I am on the mental journey of a lifetime in which I have systematically ripped myself down to my innermost core because I am at a huge crossroads in my life. I want to position myself to make wise choices.

And it is not a coincidence that this NT (meaning me) came here looking for answers, empathy and wisdom. For what it's worth, your posts have been crucial in my personal growth! Thanks!


>The Doctors .. Theyhave been wonderful at the Veterans Hospital ! I'm finding that my old health care provider system was a complete joke. They didn't do very much investigating, a minimulist approach and even when tests were done,..biopsy, and results came back inconclusive they just said "oh well" and did nothing further.

It sounds as if you are on the right path with your medical treatment. Your current doctors sound proactive - and I am very glad to hear it!

>Sister, she stole some valuable items from me and gave them to her boyfriend, ie tools and collectables. She said she lost them and when I was there fixing her house, ....flooded basement after her BF put holes in the floor and walls, which turned into geysers with the spring thaw. Her explaination....."I needed them" and has not returned them. I'm willing to forget the whole thing, Additionally her son is aspie, which is how I discovered that I am, and quite probably our father. Her son has much more dificulties than I do. Now that I know the how and why, I am much more fully functioning. In a nutshell, I fixed the glitchs

Perhaps, your sister will come around in time - especially in light of your willingness to forgive and forget. Hopefully, she wakes up and smells the coffee as life is far too short and precious to cling to her current decorum. Again, we can only control our behavior and attitudes!

>"Maybe in a way, we are like an Internet family" You'll have to forgive my pov ....I can not think of you as a sister, It is too late for that and now would be considered just plain wrong on many levels. :wink: read as much into that as possible. :D Thank you, I am most flattered!

> attitudes and actions..pervasive nastiness and lacking the ability to empathize.....Life is too short for BS like that ! !! !

Right on!

On a more personal note, this whole exercise has utterly transformed my life. In a way, I am on the mental journey of a lifetime in which I have systematically ripped myself down to my innermost core because I am at a huge crossroads in my life. I want to position myself to make wise choices.

And it is not a coincidence that this NT (meaning me) came here looking for answers, empathy and wisdom. For what it's worth, your posts have been crucial in my personal growth! Thanks!

OK its your turn to answer some questions, If you don't mind?

How has this transformed your life ?
As with anything in life, timing is critical. Epiphany, the zenith of self-awareness and grasping of one’s own personal truth, is a natural progression, an evolutionary process of sorts. It can’t be coerced or engendered until the exact moment (if ever for that matter) one is ripe to succumb to it. This is something I wrote the other day in response to a post by Slipacre.

In simplest terms, I am ripe to delve into my own consciousness and engender some healing I have to complete so that I can move on with my life. Due to having stayed way too long in a abusive, dysfunctional marriage, when I left in July 2007 I was emotionally decimated. The best way I can describe it is this: I felt as though I had been crucified upside down with a stake impaled through my heart every day for 5 years.

I began this process of self-examination in 2008 and due to competing priorities (getting divorced, very demanding job, getting a home ready to sell in a horrible market - meanwhile having to do this with a highly mentally unstable ex spouse who co-owned it), I had to shift my focus elsewhere and delay my personal goal of self-healing.

In 2010, I accomplished two major goals: (1) finalized divorce in January and (2) house was on the market in April. In 2010, I also got my heart ripped out (again - YUCK) because I had to end a relationship with Harry (Aspie pharmacist in Asheville). We had fallen in love! We were planning a future together. Suffice it to say, he had an intrusive, Machiavellian family member who was seriously threatened by our relationship and resorted to all kinds of antics/drama and chicanery to protect their own self-interests.

For my own purposes, I don't stay in relationships in which outsiders (psycho family members, friends) impose their will (dump their toxic garbage on you) on your relationship unchecked. Relationships are difficult enough - who needs the added stress and tumult of someone who is a constant train wreck bombarding their insanity on your life every day? End of the day, I had to end the relationship or risk living in perpetual hell!

In August 2010, I came here looking for answers and I was amazed at the wisdom (addressing the entire gamut of the human condition including matters of love,dating, marriage, self-doubt, depression, relationships with family members, work/professional challenges, sex and making love, people's successes and failures, etc) imparted by certain posters (Hyperlexian being a prime example)! A lot of the posts on WP are beautiful because they are straight from the heart (and intuitively you know the posters are telling the unvarnished truth)! And in the last month or so, certain posts on here catalyzed/inspired me to resume and finish off my long overdue and much needed journey into intense introspection and self-examination!

Wise choices?
Now that I have sold my home, I am free to go anywhere I want literally. I want to choose wisely!

How and why did you find yourself here looking for answers and wisdom?
In August 2010, I came here looking for answers and I was amazed at the wisdom (addressing the entire gamut of the human condition including matters of love,dating, marriage, self-doubt, depression, relationships with family members, work/professional challenges, sex and making love, people's successes and failures, etc) imparted by certain posters (Hyperlexian being a prime example)! A lot of the posts on WP are beautiful because they are straight from the heart (and intuitively you know the posters are telling the unvarnished truth)! And in the last month or so, certain posts on here catalyzed/inspired me to resume and finish off my long overdue and much needed journey into intense introspection and self-examination!

How have these posts helped your personal growth?

As I have mentioned, many posts in here make me think about serious matters of the heart and in turn I am finding the answers I seek. In a way, these series of threads have become a journal in which I am documenting a critical phase of my life. [b]Believe it or not, you are watching me melt!

Additionally you are very welcome! and thank you as well ! !

Last edited by HopefulRomantic on 12 Nov 2011, 10:51 am, edited 9 times in total.

Snowy Owl
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11 Nov 2011, 8:53 pm

Divorced, here.

I've no plans to marry again, certainly not in a legal sense. The worst thing about getting divorced, for me, was that I had to sue someone I cared about in order to move on. No kids, thankfully. I made the right choice there, at least.

Not bitter, just not interested.


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12 Nov 2011, 10:57 am

universeofone wrote:
Divorced, here.

I've no plans to marry again, certainly not in a legal sense. The worst thing about getting divorced, for me, was that I had to sue someone I cared about in order to move on. No kids, thankfully. I made the right choice there, at least.

Not bitter, just not interested.

Fair enough! Yes, divorce is frequently painful. Perhaps, I am an idealistic idiot but if I found the right person I would do it again! After all, I am a Hopeful Romantic (not a Hopeless one) who is now more savvy about love and all jazz!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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12 Nov 2011, 11:02 am

You're not an idiot. Go for what you want.

Good luck!


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12 Nov 2011, 8:02 pm


Yet again I find myself making anologies.

You are a butterfly

Life cycle
Butterfly larvae, or caterpillars spend practically all of their time in search of food. Knowledge is food for the mind

Caterpillars mature through a series of stages called instars.Near the end of each instar, the larva undergoes a process called apolysis, Development of butterfly wing patterns begins by the last larval instar..

Pupa. At this point the larva stops feeding and begins "wandering" in the quest of a suitable pupation site, often the underside of a leaf

After it emerges from its pupal stage, a butterfly cannot fly until the wings are unfolded. A newly emerged butterfly needs to spend some time inflating its wings with blood and letting them dry, during which time it is extremely vulnerable to predators.

The adult, sexually mature, stage of the insect is known as the imago. As Lepidoptera, butterflies have four wings. The fore and hindwings are not hooked together, permitting a more graceful flight.

After it emerges from its pupal stage, a butterfly cannot fly until the wings are unfolded. A newly emerged butterfly needs to spend some time inflating its wings with blood and letting them dry, during which time it is extremely vulnerable to predators.

A butterfly was seen in Japan as the personification of a person's soul

One Japanese superstition says that if a butterfly enters your guestroom and perches behind the[bamboo screen, the person whom you most love is coming to see you

The Ancient Greek word for "butterfly" is ψυχή (psȳchē), which primarily means "soul", "mind".

In some old cultures, butterflies also symbolize rebirth into a new life after being inside a cocoon for a period of time

Some people say that when a butterfly lands on you it means good luck


"I feel as if I am walking in the rain, everyone else has an umbrella,
but I do not. I am soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold."


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12 Nov 2011, 9:48 pm

HopefulRomantic wrote:
universeofone wrote:
Divorced, here.

I've no plans to marry again, certainly not in a legal sense. The worst thing about getting divorced, for me, was that I had to sue someone I cared about in order to move on. No kids, thankfully. I made the right choice there, at least.

Not bitter, just not interested.

Fair enough! Yes, divorce is frequently painful. Perhaps, I am an idealistic idiot but if I found the right person I would do it again! After all, I am a Hopeful Romantic (not a Hopeless one) who is now more savvy about love and all jazz!

Me too, this is from my POF profile...

About Me:
I want love. I am sure everyone does.

So much has been written and said about love, that I don't know that I could add anything more. Holding a woman in my arms, that is romantic love, when I hold the door for a sweet little old lady, that is love too, the love of kindness. I give kindness often, but I want to share the love of my heart with one woman, and I want to share that from now until the end.

Geez, now I sound like a pathetic and lonely guy, but that I am not. I am a good man, considerate, kind... well OK, a little lonely, but only because I want to care for and be cared for.

I did have some emotional baggage, but I put it in storage and forgot to pay the fees and it was auctioned off. My pain is someone else's problem now!

(Dangerously long profile below)

My mother had me read Emily Post's "Book of Etiquette" when I was about 10 or so, I know which fork to use first, I know why a little paper doily is set under a plate (it is there so the dinner plate does not "clink" when placed upon it), and yet I am not gay or afraid of dirt. I've been in a few fights, but I didn't feel good about it. All three times was to defend a woman.

Am I handsome? That is for you to decide, I provided a few pictures for you to peruse. The newest is almost six months old now. My hair is now long enough to get caught in the car window occasionally. I am not overly "pretty", but no bald spot or grey hairs yet. I have stayed out of the sun most of my life, it's that pale Swiss/German skin...but my family has been here long enough to have fought against the Redcoats in the American Revolution.

Am I smart, funny and talented? Absolutely, I am a professional space and science fiction artist, I have been most of my life, yet not a nerd. I have done artwork for NASA, so I must be good at it.

What about you? What do you want? What are your hopes and dreams? What makes you laugh? What kind of music do you like? Do you like to cook dinner with a loved one? And most importantly, do you like good chocolate? Mmmm, chocolate...

And now for something that just might blow you away, My father was 82 when I was born, his father was in his 80's too. Maybe we're Highlanders, I am hoping for at least 120 years, but I wonder who I might share it with.

I have a job, does that work for you? I don't watch much TV, but I do like movies, there's not much I really want see on cable or satellite anyway. I do like BBC news much more than the overly chatty domestic news. I don't care what celebrity did what!

Please have a picture of yourself posted, it is the 21st century you know...so be recent!

Please only contact me if you have time to actually begin and have a relationship. I just don't want an long email exchange that leads nowhere.

First Date:
I would present several options to you, from an elegant dinner to stock car races. There has to be some fun in there I would think. I don't want to do something where we just sit passively for two hours, so not a movie, but I don't like noisy bars either, especially if it is too loud to hear each other! But live music is good!


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13 Nov 2011, 1:58 pm

gadge wrote:

Yet again I find myself making anologies.

You are a butterfly All I can is I am speechless! People who know me in real life know that I am very rarely rendered speechless! Thank you so very much!

Life cycle
Butterfly larvae, or caterpillars spend practically all of their time in search of food. Knowledge is food for the mind

I fully understand about knowledge being food for the mind. No doubt knowledge is power! I think self-knowledge is extremely powerful. [b]And, as I have said so frequently in these threads lately, the attainment of self-knowledge has been a overwhelming goal of mine (short-term and long-term goal for that matter). Whether I succeed remains to be seen, but I am putting forth the most concerted effort I can muster (LOL)!

Caterpillars mature through a series of stages called instars.Near the end of each instar, the larva undergoes a process called apolysis, Development of butterfly wing patterns begins by the last larval instar..

Pupa. At this point the larva stops feeding and begins "wandering" in the quest of a suitable pupation site, often the underside of a leaf

After it emerges from its pupal stage, a butterfly cannot fly until the wings are unfolded. A newly emerged butterfly needs to spend some time inflating its wings with blood and letting them dry, during which time it is extremely vulnerable to predators.

The adult, sexually mature, stage of the insect is known as the imago. As Lepidoptera, butterflies have four wings. The fore and hindwings are not hooked together, permitting a more graceful flight.

After it emerges from its pupal stage, a butterfly cannot fly until the wings are unfolded. A newly emerged butterfly needs to spend some time inflating its wings with blood and letting them dry, during which time it is extremely vulnerable to predators.

A butterfly was seen in Japan as the personification of a person's soul (Indeed - most interesting!!)

One Japanese superstition says that if a butterfly enters your guestroom and perches behind the[bamboo screen, the person whom you most love is coming to see you

The Ancient Greek word for "butterfly" is ψυχή (psȳchē), which primarily means "soul", "mind".

In some old cultures, butterflies also symbolize rebirth into a new life after being inside a cocoon for a period of time (I can relate to this paradigm).

Some people say that when a butterfly lands on you it means good luck


Bravo!! !! Thanks again!! ![b]


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13 Nov 2011, 2:11 pm

shrox wrote:
HopefulRomantic wrote:
universeofone wrote:
Divorced, here.

I've no plans to marry again, certainly not in a legal sense. The worst thing about getting divorced, for me, was that I had to sue someone I cared about in order to move on. No kids, thankfully. I made the right choice there, at least.

Not bitter, just not interested.

Fair enough! Yes, divorce is frequently painful. Perhaps, I am an idealistic idiot but if I found the right person I would do it again! After all, I am a Hopeful Romantic (not a Hopeless one) who is now more savvy about love and all jazz!

Me too, this is from my POF profile...

About Me:
I want love. I am sure everyone does.

So much has been written and said about love, that I don't know that I could add anything more. Holding a woman in my arms, that is romantic love, when I hold the door for a sweet little old lady, that is love too, the love of kindness. I give kindness often, but I want to share the love of my heart with one woman, and I want to share that from now until the end.

Geez, now I sound like a pathetic and lonely guy, but that I am not. I am a good man, considerate, kind... well OK, a little lonely, but only because I want to care for and be cared for.

I did have some emotional baggage, but I put it in storage and forgot to pay the fees and it was auctioned off. My pain is someone else's problem now!

(Dangerously long profile below)

My mother had me read Emily Post's "Book of Etiquette" when I was about 10 or so, I know which fork to use first, I know why a little paper doily is set under a plate (it is there so the dinner plate does not "clink" when placed upon it), and yet I am not gay or afraid of dirt. I've been in a few fights, but I didn't feel good about it. All three times was to defend a woman.

Am I handsome? That is for you to decide, I provided a few pictures for you to peruse. The newest is almost six months old now. My hair is now long enough to get caught in the car window occasionally. I am not overly "pretty", but no bald spot or grey hairs yet. I have stayed out of the sun most of my life, it's that pale Swiss/German skin...but my family has been here long enough to have fought against the Redcoats in the American Revolution.

Am I smart, funny and talented? Absolutely, I am a professional space and science fiction artist, I have been most of my life, yet not a nerd. I have done artwork for NASA, so I must be good at it.

What about you? What do you want? What are your hopes and dreams? What makes you laugh? What kind of music do you like? Do you like to cook dinner with a loved one? And most importantly, do you like good chocolate? Mmmm, chocolate...

And now for something that just might blow you away, My father was 82 when I was born, his father was in his 80's too. Maybe we're Highlanders, I am hoping for at least 120 years, but I wonder who I might share it with.

I have a job, does that work for you? I don't watch much TV, but I do like movies, there's not much I really want see on cable or satellite anyway. I do like BBC news much more than the overly chatty domestic news. I don't care what celebrity did what!

Please have a picture of yourself posted, it is the 21st century you know...so be recent!

Please only contact me if you have time to actually begin and have a relationship. I just don't want an long email exchange that leads nowhere.

First Date:
I would present several options to you, from an elegant dinner to stock car races. There has to be some fun in there I would think. I don't want to do something where we just sit passively for two hours, so not a movie, but I don't like noisy bars either, especially if it is too loud to hear each other! But live music is good!


I think your POF profile write up is very good because you provide sufficient detail about yourself (attitudes, interests) and the qualities you seek in a viable romantic match (along with your relationship goals). Good job!

[b]Next, I think it is noteworthy that you are not afraid or ashamed to say that you want a shot at a long-term relationship. Interestingly enough, there is a school of thought that says it is taboo to state this in an online dating profile writeup.

My position is this: to each their own - live and let live!! !


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Jul 2012, 8:08 pm

shrox wrote:
Am I the only divorced aspie?

No. Although I don't usually think of myself as "divorced".

I mean, I was married. And I am divorced. But mostly I just think of myself as single. On those multiple choice questions, I nearly always tick "single". Whether I have ever been married really isn't any of their business.