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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Dec 2012, 6:57 pm

MsTriste wrote:

What is your first name? Cory

Age: 46

Location: Sacramento

Current perseverations: World of Warcraft, reading, Big Bang Theory, general geekiness

When did you discover AS? I've known about Aspergers for years, but was only diagnosed myself a couple of months ago.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? ADD and OCD

Do you have a degree? Associates Degree in Police Science (yeah, I was going to be a cop but my knee crapped out on me)

Kids? 1 son

Favorite music? 80's, alternative, classical, just about anything but country or rap

Job? Medical Assistant

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Divorced, remarried.

Plans for the future? Keep plugging away.

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Discovered that the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything was NOT 42 when I turned 42. I was very disappointed.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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26 Dec 2012, 5:40 pm

Age: 54

Location: Bradenton/Sarasota fla

Current perseverations:music, computers, yard work

When did you discover AS? In me suspected it for several years but finally stopped denying it a couple of months ago

Do you have other psych diagnoses? no

Do you have a degree? BA liberal studies/teaching credential in Special Education

Kids? One son, probrably on AS spectrum,, miidly delayed

Favorite music, other than NIN Laughing : Classic rock, gospel and classical

Job? Was teacher but lack of social skills and AS plus budget cuts ended that, Now a substitute TA in local school district

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Was married for abrief time,, havent had more then a few one night dates for 7 years, not really looking but keeping open to someone with understanding of AS

Plans for the future? Work, go back to school for computer degree, work in the tech side of education

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Love animals. would like to meet other AS people that have been able to pretend to be normal well eough to survive this world.


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29 Dec 2012, 8:25 pm

i don't know how to do this but would like to .

If common sense were common, more people would have it.

The obvious isn't obvious to everybody.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Dec 2012, 12:25 pm

timidme wrote:
i don't know how to do this but would like to .

You just did! :D

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Jan 2013, 3:09 pm

First Name- Lorrie
Age- 48
Current perseveration- Stuffed Animals, Puppetering, Computing
When did you discover AS?- year or so ago
Do you have other psych diagnosis?- all relate to autism and psychogenic tremor
Do you have a degree?- no
Kids?- no
Favorite music- gospel
Job?- Homemaker
Relationship with significant other?- Married 27yrs.
Plans for future?- Heaven
Anything else you feel is pertinent?-I am glad I finally know and accept who I am.

This Ladybug just has different spots.


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27 Jan 2013, 8:17 pm

I partially copied and pasted this from the other intro questions thread...I think this corner or the WP might be more 'my speed'...I'm coming to understand that I'm one of the older new members...

First name? Elisabeth

Age: 61

Location: Connecticut

Current Perseveration (s):
Currently 17th century embroidery and History. Many, many other passions have come and faded - the echoes remain though - as well as the accompanying ephemera. Painting and artwork and beading and jewelry and metalwork and various curious mostly crafty and creative pursuits... as well as my gardening and religion and psychology and physics and mathematical theories and chemistry and alchemy and architectural space...

When did you discover AS?
As a teacher about 12 years ago...I always identified with the 'labeled kids' - knew I had 'been there and done that'...have only come to realize in the last few months that I was 'diagnosable'
Not sure what the point of a diagnosis would be at my age. Anyway, I very much dislike the label 'disorder'- though I realize that when one can't function in the world, it is appropriate.

As a child, they sent me to psychologists in school, but I never found out the diagnosis....anyway, my parents took me out of public schools shortly thereafter and I got to enjoy parochial school hell instead. I have no doubt, had the dx existed in the early 60's, that I would have been placed in the Aspie box, possibly medicated and 'treated' professionally - but lucky for me, they didn't do it that way in the olden days. I've known for years that I, and quite a few of my relatives, are/were gloriously eccentric, weird, wired differently and unique. For the most part, we managed well enough and we supported each other and liked ourselves, even if others did not. My father helped me learn to overcome the bullies and forge for myself the armor of self worth and esteem. And oh...I keep scoring around 42-44 on the Simon Baron-Cohen quiz. in the autie box for some of the others yep, the shoes fit quite nicely.

Other diagnoses....probably was diagnosed with something dire enough for my parents to pull me from public school in the 60's....not sure what it was though and both my parents are gone now. Dad just said I was unique and that our family was 'different' and this was good - I now realize that both he and my uncle were definitely spectrumites....I suffered from panic disorder in the 80's, anxiety, depression in the early 90's - took ssri's for a while - did not like the 'side effects or the severe flattening of emotions - so I tapered off - I still go up and down a bit, but it's not out of control. Have good backup and support for if it gets too much.

Do you have a degree...nothing that comes from any institutions. 4 years of University work in the fine arts and then an AS in dental technology ... was labeled a PhD level autodidact and told not to take off any time from my teaching at the private school to get papers I did not need to prove what was already demonstrated...(of course I did not get a big salary teaching without papers - but my husband was making enough money for us both)

Kids...four from my first marriage - a son and 3 daughters and then 3 steps with the second marriage - all grown up now...The youngest is 28. Half a dozen step grands (more on the way)

Favorite music - Mostly quiet, depends on my mood - I tend to use it to enhance my emotional state. (rare indulgence in NIN - LOL) I like to learn the lyrics and sing to myself. currently working on ' the rose' and 'I dreamed a dream'

Started in retail and food service as a teen - library work in college - made money as a proofreader- Got married and became the mother of 4 children (which pay$ poorly , but remains a lifetime and FULLtime occupation) - went on to become a jeweler and crafts circuit artist..after my divorce, morphed into a dental technician for the regularity of income. ..(got carpal tunnel syndrome and had to quit abusing my hands with the work). Remarried and received more children...became a teacher's aide in my children's school, where I learned more about myself than I had in the previous 46 years... and finally about autism and Aspergers - though it is only in the last 3 or 4 that I cam to see myself as being on the spectrum, instead of merely 'out of the box'...

That school was the big breakthrough place for me; where I began to understand myself and how I 'fit in' (or didn't) - Unlike many of the teachers and aides, I loved working and just being with the 'labeled' kids. The ones with Aspergers or the autists; I think I was drawn to them naturally. Perhaps I was deluding myself, but I felt I really understood them; while uniquely themselves, they were also mini-mes as well. Their difficulties mirrored the ones I had experienced growing up. I accepted them each as they were, and they would often seek me out during the horrors of 'recess' or the 'lunchroom'. One of the older ones called me a 'safe adult'. I worked at the one school for over a decade, going on to become a Social Studies and History teacher in the middle school grades and eventually became a unique employee who tended to get used like a piece of putty that was stuffed into the cracks of the institution...rather "jack of all tradesy". Is the laminator stuck? get Mrs. M! Is there a snake in the principal's office - get Mrs. M! Do you need someone to design the props and costumes for the play? get Mrs. M. Is the second grade teacher out today? get Mrs. M! I finally retired when my husband did and we moved to CT and I've been volunteering in a school library here and as a substitute.

Oh yes...lots, and lots, and lots, of books...they fill our home like a personal tracing of the interests and passions that have beset me and mine. Silent friends who line the walls, protecting, supporting and nourishing - as well as collecting dust which exacerbates my allergies.

TV shows/Movies:
Rarely - I find them either too powerful and disturbing, or repulsive and time wasting ... I.usually just read the reviews and synopses so that I can maintain a facade of 'current interest'

Cant read music, but I have a 'good ear' - I play Recorders (woodwinds) and I have a nice voice and can naturally harmonize.

Do you like sports?
No, although games like boggle and bananagrams occasionally suffice my competitive spirits or solitary boredom.

Yes...married twice - second since 1991 - finally settled into it :)

Plans for the future? In the Dickensian manner - more please!! !...more life, and learning and gardening and embroidery and in the immediate future, surviving the planning and execution of the upcoming wedding of my daughter.

Any comments? Thank you for being here - I've lurked for a while and this site seems safe and homey enough to hang out in. That's it! I think the Wrong Planet might just be my native land - and I've found some homies!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Feb 2013, 5:45 pm

Age: 47

Location: Europe

Current perseverations: playing the flute, piano; reading; fenno-ugric languages; ethnology

When did you discover AS? ages ago, but was diagnosed first in 2011 (Aspergers), a second time in 2012 (HFA)

Do you have other psych diagnoses? no

Do you have a degree? Magister Artium

Kids? 2

Favorite music "classical" music, opera

Job? journalist

Relationship with significant other, past or present? married for 16 years with NT

Plans for the future? surviving in my NT environment?


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10 Feb 2013, 11:33 am

What is your first name?

28 in March

Southern UK

Current perseverations:
Science Fiction, Science, Technology, Nature, Politics, Philosophy and (would you believe it?) Computer Games.

When did you discover AS?
I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago. I have suspected on and off for about 5 years, but remained skeptical until having the condition explained properly by the diagnostician.

Do you have other psych diagnoses?
Major Depressive and Generalised Anxiety disorders.

Do you have a degree?
No. I've never been able to hold my **** together for long enough for that sort of thing to work out. I'm currently re-evaluating my life options.

Thankfully not.

Favorite music, other than NIN
Baroque classical, Death Metal, Psytrance, Oldschool Hip Hop. NiN doesn't really figure into it for me, sorry!

I have previously been employed all over the private and public sectors. Most recently I was employed as a Store Manager for a major electronics retailer. I'm sure you can guess how that worked out. It was three years ago. I'm looking to get back into the workforce as soon as my living situation is nicely stable.

Relationship with significant other, past or present?
I have been involved in a couple of long term hetero relationships. Neither of them worked out, and in one case I ended up being physically and emotionally abused for a few months before I realised what a mess the whole thing was and hit the emergency exit button. I have also been involved in a few shorter term hetero relationships, usually ending those because I could see them going down the same path as the longer term relationships mentioned above. One of the things I will be aiming to do whilst here is improve my ability to identify people who would be suitable for me and to learn as much as I can from those Aspies that are in successful long term relationships.

Plans for the future?
As mentioned above I am considering returning to education. I am also considering employment in fields where I can be assured of one thing; I want to come home at the end of the day in the sure and certain knowledge that I have improved someone's life a little, even if it is only a little.

Anything else you feel is pertinent:
I have lived independently on and off for 8 years. I'm currently in supported housing so I'm halfway between worlds at the moment.
I'm looking forward to exchanging stories with all y'all other Aspies, learning new and better coping mechanisms, reaching a better understanding of my condition and generally feeding off the sense of community I find so hard to establish with neurotypicals.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Feb 2013, 5:46 pm

Age: 43

Location: Montreal (QC, Canada)

Current perseverations:
Animation short films, replaying my favourite PS3 games, mixed art productions (drawings, animations, writing, photography, etc.).

When did you discover AS?
About 6 months ago.

Do you have other psych diagnoses?
No, I run away from diagnosis but probably have ADHD too.

Do you have a degree?
Yes, a BA(Hons) and a diploma from the UK and a diploma from the French speaking side of Canada.

No, I decided it wasn't for me.

Favourite music:
Garbage (all time favourite), some of the music of Mass Effect, more traditional jazz and blues (love the sound of the harmonica), some Rolling Stones like Plundered my Soul, Time is on my Side and Sympathy for the Devil, Emmanuel and the Fear's Jimme's Song, Charlotte Gainsbourg's Heaven Can Wait, Dyonisos' Tais-toi mon coeur, I better stop here.

Yes as a freelancer 3D artist. Until last year I normally took up a job run to the top, got bored, anxious and imploded, rinsed and repeated. Last year the pattern became too clear to ignore, I used to last two years per job, don't know why, it was the time I could cope.

Relationship with significant other, past or present?
Serial monogamist in the past, two previous marriages. Now I met my match in a very loving and understanding NT with ADD (hard work at times, but well worth it), long term now, hopefully forever.

Plans for the future?
A move to the countryside in one or two years time.

Anything else you feel is pertinent:
Nothing at the moment.

"Keep walking", if you can.
Aspie-quiz, Aspie 167/200, NT 48/200
Non-d'xd person, only "very likely an Aspie".

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Feb 2013, 11:10 pm

What is your first name? Tracy

Age: 39

Location: Canada

Current perseverations: Knitting, zombies, Sci-Fi, good beer

When did you discover AS? last month

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Anxiety, depression and non official, but highly suspect OCD, BDD, ADD, Tourettes

Do you have a degree? BSc. Biochemistry (although I almost failed out of university-makes sense now)

Kids? One son. He is being tested for HFA now

Favorite music, other than NIN: Heavy metal, rock, ambient, electronic

Job? Stay at home mom, but starting back to work as a Software Tester. Previously could only hold Administrative jobs for a few months at a time. Longest job was 2 years.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married 8 years to someone who finally gets me

Plans for the future? lots of travel

Anything else you feel is pertinent: I have happy and still a bit shocked that all of my weird quirks are not so weird anymore

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Mar 2013, 3:20 am




Perseverances; SciFi Big picture thinking specialising in aggregate thinking due to social media/internet etc/ Hive Mind. Also contemplating the action of compassion or postive responsiveness in societal interaction to transform society. Motorbikes. Travel. Forest ecology, alternative energy Twitter. Scotland and Scotch whisky

My GF has been suggesting it to me for a couple of years Shes a psych nurse. Looked into it Seems to fit.

Have had some anxiety and ptsd + gambling addiction. All better.

School of hard knocks.

No kids. I think thats probably a good thing, but who knows?

Music: Genisis etc. Good Orchestral Pipe organ Bagpipes World Music

Ran my own businesses for yrs. Been on disability for about 13 yrs due to after affects of Gullian Barre Syndrome. Live in the forest, building yard work whatever.

Was married. Now have GF love of my life for 12 yrs. She lives in town. We get together 1 night a week and go on holidays together.

Future: travel more of the same till I get too old then something else

I had Guillian Barre Syndrome when i was 25. I was always a bit different. IQ around 130, Walked the road less travelled.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Mar 2013, 4:50 pm

What is your first name? Bryan

Age: 50

Location: North Carolina USA

Current perseverations: Finding a mate, post AS Dx

When did you discover AS? 2 1/2 years ago Dx 1 year ago

Do you have other psych diagnoses? Bipolar, Psychosis, Anxiety Disorder

Do you have a degree? no

Kids? 1- biological son 18 y/o, 1- step daughter 21 ( sister to biological son who claims me as her dad), 3- adopted (ex) step-sons,( they have disowned me)

Favorite music, other than NIN- other than the first album I dont like NIN-- all music

Job? Merchant Marine ( ret)..disabled

Relationship with significant other, past or present? divorced ( 2011) None

Plans for the future? better my health and physique,.. to find somone to share my life with after AS dignosis

Anything else you feel is pertinent: After 1 year I am just becoming comfortable " being Aspie NOT trying to be NT"

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Mar 2013, 5:37 pm

What is your first name? Joe

Age: 36

Location: Oxfordshire, UK

Current perseverations: Surviving :) , Sci-Fi/Fantasy Wargaming and reading, Miniature Painting

When did you discover AS? Known of it for nearly 20 years (see job) but diagnosed last October

Do you have other psych diagnoses? No

Do you have a degree? BSc equivalent in Mental Health Nursing

Kids? 1 daughter, 11yrs old

Favorite music, other than NIN- Metal, rock, folk particularly traditional scots/irish music

Job? Clinical Nurse Specialist (Child and Adolescent Mental Health) / Nurse Lecturer

Relationship with significant other, past or present? divorced in 2008, with current NT partner for past 3 years

Plans for the future? Get out of nursing! Move somewhere with minimal people (but still with broadband) and do a job that doesn't change every time you turn around (anyone familiar with the NHS in the UK will understand what I mean by this)

Anything else you feel is pertinent: Not at present


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25 Mar 2013, 7:19 pm

What is your first name? Mahogany

Location: Oregon, soon to be South Africa

When did you discover AS? graduate school

Do you have other psych diagnoses?insomnia, just recently, depression & anxiety (dad and dog died)

Do you have a degree?
Third degree. no, seriously, Ph.D.

Kids? nope. never happened.

Favorite music, other than NIN : mine! serioously, most everything except rap and most country. Love to play classical piano, but I'll listen to anything with a good beat, good lyrics, and sets the mood I want.

Job? Psychology & statistics prof, consulting psychologist & statistician

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Recently out of a 10 years relationship (due to the depresion I'm guessing, and his father's death). Also had a 7 year rel. that ended went I moved for work.

Plans for the future? Looking for a new job with more challenge. Want to take advantage of my time now to travel. Plans to write a book (or 3): the first in in progress.

Anything else you feel is pertinent:
I am wondering how many of us are having stress from annoying or incompetent coworkers that effects your enjoyment of the job. Also, how many of us have insomnia? What is working for folks?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Apr 2013, 5:17 am

What is your first name? Duo

Age: 30+

Location: Europe

When did you discover AS? about 5 years ago

Do you have other psych diagnoses? yes

Do you have a degree? working on it :)

Kids? no

Favorite music, other than NIN: many different things, currently into indie/folk rock

Job? student

Relationship with significant other, past or present? had one longterm relationship in the past, single several years now

Plans for the future? education and job - and if that doesn't work out, I plan on being happy anyway :)

Anything else you feel is pertinent: uhm.. I'm currently working on expanding my English vocabulary to include words like pertinent ;) (it's not my native language, so please bear with me if my syntax or grammar is weird)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Apr 2013, 3:32 am

What is your first name? Jamie

Age: 49 this summer

Location: Sonoran Desert

Current perseverations:

When did you discover AS? I saw the talk Temple Grandin gave on TED in Feb 2010, had never heard of it before that.

Do you have other psych diagnoses? officially no, but probably also bi-polar, and PTSD.

Do you have a degree? I wish! I was an invisible kid... I knew higher education was a 'thing', but I had no idea that it was something that I could do. It was not something that would have been encouraged in my home had I expressed the desire to go.

Kids? 1, grown son

Favorite music, other than NIN Laughing - NIN|JA tour was cool! :D Classic rock and Grunge.

Job? Not currently.

Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married (99% sure he's an Aspie too)

Plans for the future? Sure. 8)

Anything else you feel is pertinent: