Getting to know each other, Dino-style
First name: Anne
Age: 60 in August
Location: Cph
Current perseverations:
When did you discover AS?: Fall 2012. Heard Temple Grandin on Youtube. Had heard about it, a little.
Other psych. diagnoses: Not officially diagnosed. Had a few labels, that didn´t fit.
Do you have a degree?: Sadly, no. I missed the last year of my study in Musical Science at Uni.
Kids: A big fluffy, red Tabby
Favourite music: Bach and Beethoven (that man never seizes to amaze me).
Job: Framemaker (trial period).
Relationship with significant other, past or present? A few boyfriends many years ago.
Plans for future: Take up art again, maybe exhibit, - and polish up my pianotechnique and go on with Bach and Beethoven.
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Hmmm. Pertinent???? What is that? (English is not my mother toung either)
Special Interest: Beethoven
What is your first name? Eoghann
Location: Contae Chiarraí, Éire
Current perseverations:
When did you discover AS? iv known abuot it for over a decade but didn realy become relevnt to me until I was diagnosd.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? Bipolar (I), apprently
Do you have a degree? No, never been to school
Kids? 1 son
Favorite music: classical, folk music, pagan/folk metall, tiny bit of neww age
Job? Curently unemployd due to health, but usuly farmwork
Relationship with significant other, past or present? Had a longg tiem relationshipp (since adolescnce) with the mothre of my son, but we nevre married and she recntly maried somone else so things aer over with us sexually at least.
Plans for the future? Beat cancer
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Too tired to thnk of anything at the moment lol
Níb caram-si, á Áes catha
What is your first name? Alain
Age: 49
Location: Canada
Current perseverations: I've devellopped a narrow interest on these complex but very interesting creatures called the NT
When did you discover AS? 3 years ago. Accidently after a CT scan for checking another health problem, The resident in charge ask me if i had asperger after noticing some shape abnormalities on my brain, After this, It triggered my curiosity and I've passed the test on line which I've discovered that in fact I would be highly suspected, So, I've printed the results brought that to my psychologist, who was following me for a therapy for my third burn out in 5 years, He confirmed that in fact I was on the spectrum.Psychiatrist official diagnosis still to come.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? Burn-out, depression; diagnosed ADD at the age of 7
Do you have a degree? AS respiratory therapist, and some university, health science and french studies..
Kids? No, at least none have been reported.
Favorite music, other than NIN : New age, gregorian chant, classical music,
Job? respiratory therapist for 20 years, then sleep specialist 3 years and after my last burn out reoriented in communication, costumer service
Relationship with significant other, past or present? many but it has never evolved in a serious relationship. Just met a girl who I suspect to be AS and hoping to have a long love relationship with her ..., slowly
Plans for the future? Continuing in my new job and return to study to get a higher position. and of course , still hoping to have a wonderful relationship with the girl I've met,
What is your first name? Tom
Age: 39
Location: Dorset, UK
Current perseverations: None, none, none, none.....none... none
When did you discover AS? It was described to me around 1997. Psych. Diagnosed 2013.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? Depression & Anxiety, Hep C
Do you have a degree? Very nearly; hopefully this summer!
Kids? Two boys, now 7 and 10. Taken by my ex-wife and indoctrinated, haven't seen for 5 years. Have been in legal proceedings ever since.
Favourite music: Zappa, Motorhead, AC/DC, Minimal Techno, Jazz, Funk, Salsa, Dub
Job? Hopefully soon.
Relationship with significant other, past or present? Yup, been with current girlfriend for nearly 5 years now.
Plans for the future? Hoping to break into CGI work. Would like to learn to enjoy life more and be less anxious and depressive.
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Nah
I've been away for two years and can't remember if I've posted here before.
What is your first name? Roland
Age: 36
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Current perseverations: University study occupies everything. Focusing more on having fun with friends.
When did you discover AS? age 29, in early 2007.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? been told I have anxiety and depression,
Do you have a degree? only a diploma, working towards degree
Kids? None
Favorite music, other than NIN: 16 Horsepower / WovenHand,, Willard Grant Conspiracy, Ra Ra Riot, The National, and more...
Job? None at present, except unpaid work experience
Relationship with significant other, past or present? one casual girlfriend in the past, broke up a year ago. Realising I want a serious emotional connection in my life.
Plans for the future? Build towards permanent employment, develop friendships, settle into a more satisfying life.
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Too tired to think of anything.
Life is Painful. Suffering is Optional. Keep your face to the Sun and never see your Shadow.
What is your first name? Eric
Age: 48
Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Current perseverations: Anything hard science related. Physics, all branches are my main focus, with cosmology a close second.
When did you discover AS? 9 months ago I had a Subarachnoid hemorrhage from an aneurysm on the basilar artery. Waking up after a week long coma following the coiling operation, the hospital put me through extensive neurological testing looking for any evidence of brain damage. After a week of testing, the neurologist came to my bedside and told me, "Well, I have a good news, bad news type deal. Good news is you appear to have only suffered some short term memory loss. Bad news is I think you are high functioning autistic and I would like to run some more tests for an official diagnoses."
Do you have other psych diagnoses? I have suffered from anxiety and clinical depression for as long as I can remember. In fact, depressed was my normal state and I never realized, nor sought treatment for it. I was put on 300mg of bupropion following the aneurysm, and now I don't even recognize the person I had been for most of my life. The drug and alcohol abuse I won't bother with here since it was actually a coping mechanism related to the AS.
Do you have a degree? No
Kids? A little too strange for the ladies.
Favorite music, other than NIN. Most adult alternative.
Job? Programmer.
Relationship with significant other, past or present? A couple of mutual dependency type deals, nothing healthy or lasting.
Plans for the future? I am in the process of learning that it's never too late to correct bad coping skills.
Anything else you feel is pertinent: I only wish psychologists had a clue when I could have really used it in the 70-80s. I feel like I've wasted a tremendous opportunity (IQ way above gifted) because I couldn't help myself back then and no one else had a clue.
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Imagine my therapist's embarrassment when it turned out they really were after me.
Hmmm. "Beat cancer".
I warmly wish you the best of luck!.
yes pertinennt is relevant. Englsh isnt my first tongue eithre but I'm prety well with it.
Thanks for your well wish.
I would wish you all the luck in the world if I had it to wish on you.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
What is your first name? Rana
Age: 23
Location: USA
Current perseverations: Peace and Conflict studies. Aikido.
When did you discover AS? Few weeks ago. I never had an official diagnosis, but I have been reading about AS for months and everything fits perfectly.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? Not that I know of
Do you have a degree? BA in sociology of Law Criminology and Deviance. Currently doing a MA in peace studies
Kids? Nope
Favorite music, other than NIN: I like music without lyrics
Job? Grad student?
Relationship with significant other, past or present? Never had anything close to a significant other, ever...
Plans for the future? Discovering myself more and learn how to handle things
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Nope.
What is your first name? The first was probably "fetus", the most recent I can't print here.
Age: Mid-40s
Location: Oklahoma
Current perseverations: Movies, cooking, fringe science/paranormal stuff, conspiracy theories, wordplay, humor
When did you discover AS? Early 2000s
Do you have other psych diagnoses? No
Do you have a degree? B.A. in Management
Kids? Two boys
Favorite music, other than NIN: Jam bands, indie rock, classic rock, alt/outlaw country
Job? Database admin.
Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married to my caretaker/wonderful wife.
Plans for the future? Make it to bedtime without screwing anything up. Drink a beer on the way.
Anything else you feel is pertinent: Undiagnosed but sure I'm close to or on the spectrum.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 4 Jul 2013
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Posts: 66
Location: california
What is your first name? mama
Age: 36
Location: california
Current perseverations:
When did you discover AS? 10 years ago
Do you have other psych diagnoses? several
Do you have a degree? no
Kids? yep
Favorite music, reggae
Job? no....
Relationship with significant other, past or present? yes.
Plans for the future? to move from here so that i'm not surrounded by humans
Anything else you feel is pertinent: just sort of feeling lost and would like to make some new friends.
What is your first name? Christie
Age: 35
Location: Minnesota USA
Current perseverations: Recently completed my Bachelor's degree and I am now reading all the books I didn't have time for as a full time student
When did you discover AS? Over the past few years I have learned more and more about AS. It was a relief to learn about the signs and symptoms and know that others like myself are out there.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? No
Do you have a degree? I have AAS in Business Management and BS in Business Management
Kids? One son
Favorite music, - wide variety
Job? Yes, I am a staff scheduler and have a lot of autonomy in my job
Relationship with significant other, past or present? - Married going on 10 years and we have our challenges since he is a very emotional person...
Plans for the future? Continue to learn and grow
Anything else you feel is pertinent:
What is your first name? N/A
Age: 36
Location: Ohio
Current perseverations: Linux and Hockey
When did you discover AS? Don't remember exactly when, probably close to 15 years ago. I recieved a AS diaganosis in Novemeber 2012.
Do you have other psych diagnoses? none at this time (as I was diganoised as bi-polar for 20 years who knows what'll be next)
Do you have a degree? nope
Kids? yup, 4 y/o son
Favorite music, other than NIN ... there is anything but NIN? I pretty much enjoy everything.
Job? Computer Engineer for a NON-IT company
Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married for close to 7 years
Plans for the future? Retire and not have to put up with the outside world
Anything else you feel is pertinent: I want to like people... I do ... but the sum of my life experances has me viewing people as stupid selfish jerks who only care about getting theirs and bending everyone else over along the way.
What is your first name? Stephen
Age: 63
Location: BC, Canada
Current perseverations: Meditation, nature
When did you discover AS? a while ago
Do you have other psych diagnoses? General Anxiety Syndrome
Do you have a degree? No
Kids? No
Favorite music, other than NIN Laughing Opera, classical, blues, jazz up to 1970's, 60's 70's rock
Job? retired, caregiver to wife
Relationship with significant other, past or present? together 20 years
Plans for the future? just diagnosed with skin cancer, to age and die gracefully...
Anything else you feel is pertinent: wish I had discovered this symptoms earlier and taken my meditation more seriously I may have had a happier life, who knows????