BazzaMcKenzie wrote:
Maybe I should have said "merchant banker".
tell me if you need help to work that out - lol
Yeah, I needed help to work that out. Richard Cranium is a clever enough substitution with the two keys right there to translate it, as Merle demonstrated, but "merchant banker" means, what, "shopkeeper w*ker"? Trader Lender? How's an American supposed to know that when we don't even use the word w*ker?
From Wikipedia: "And so the merchant's "benches" (bank is a corruption of the Italian for bench, as in a counter) in the great grain markets became centers for holding money against a bill (billette, a note, a letter of formal exchange, later a bill of exchange, later still, a cheque)."
No, I haven't been too literal my whole life... Only a few decades.
postpaleo wrote:
My wife asked what the reformed meant. "We don't kill kids anymore."
My smart-as-hell nurse friend would joke like that, between ER stories such as things they had to extract from people's um, how would you English people put it, "mass wholes." Or "class tolls" or "glass voles."
Sit simplex stulte (Keep it simple)