All righty then...let's give this a try. If it turns out badly, at my age, it won't really matter.
What is your first name? Earl
Age: 56
Location: West coast USA
Current perseverations: "I can't do this." (despite 37 years of continuous employment doing it successfully)
When did you discover AS? Late 1990s
Do you have other psych diagnoses? Major single event depression
Do you have a degree? No, unless you mean a degree of frustration.
Kids? 3 stepdaughters, 7 grandkids
Favorite music: Mostly 60s, but certain specific music with a strong beat / unusual key
Job? Senior electronic systems technician. I fix everything from flashlights to county-wide computerized radio dispatch center systems.
Relationship with significant other, past or present? Married 33 years, met in 1980.
Plans for the future? To live long and prosper. Got the second part down already, and well into the first part.
Anything else you feel is pertinent: My hobbies are photography, computers, writing, electronics, gardening, ham radio, and weather, but not necessarily in that order. I randomize it every time I post it.
It ain't easy being me, but someone's gotta do it.