League_Girl wrote:
To me it's like ODD except with PDA, it's about anxiety about demands than authority. Like if you have to do something that is under someone else's schedule, you get very anxious and tense. Or if you are told to do something, you get very tense inside. If there are things you have to do, you get tense because it's a demand and trying to do those things just makes the anxiety worse. I suspect these children get misdiagnosed with ODD or anxiety elsewhere in the world.
There are so many overlaps and similarities between ODD and PDA because both behaviors are exactly the same ans both share the same symptoms and behaviors. You could read about ODD and it might sound like your PDA child and it will look like it fits them even though that is not what is going on with them.
the best that I can come up with based on your explanation is fearing failure in meeting demands so you avoid it as much as possible....
Evil men will never see themselves as such, because it is the good in us that see's the evil within ourselves.