strapples, when a picture or a post is removed it is not to correct 'you' i think, it is because in a community it is not appropriate to show such a picture or because it'll attract more of these pictures, possible more explicit from others. there are kids here too.
maybe you can ask for more explanation ? (but shouting and saying negative things don't help i think)
you get meltdowns from talking about the topic? that must not be easy, i've never had that online actually
my meltdowns are mostly about unexpected things and noise
withdrawing in my room and hide there a while helps
the only thing i have difficult with is when someone comes after me then
it is kind of hard to draw a line between 'i do what i want' and 'i respect others',
already for non autistic people it is not an easy thing
and some people are a little rude today, better not copy them perhaps ? (something i do easily, copy someone's behaviour)
arkityp wrote:
this is exactly what i was referring to: non-AS adults saying everything i post is "BS". supposedly, since i am an adult with AS, i should "know better" not to talk about certain things or refer to certain people in an untactful manner. sorry, that's just the way i talk!
yeah the thin line again.
some things are true i think, i is not a good idea to say negative things about others for instance (like fat, ugly, boring, etc)
but it seems that the adults giving you this advice tell you by insulting you too ?!? hm, that's not an easy loop to get out then ...
arkityp wrote:
the only way i have been able to communicate with non-AS persons is because i have a literal sense of humour. if i didn't, i'd probably be the most negative sounding person with AS, ever!
too bad that type of humour is hard to spot on the internet.
what kind of humour is that?
i don't think i understand how humour can be literal? you mean that things that are not meant to be literal are interpreted as literal?
i always have images when i hear idioms, they can be rather funny (now, i don't have images only for idioms, i have them for everything)
i like the 'post something bizarre about the person above' very much, it is saying things that are taken out of context, and it is so nice to see how others combine uncombinable properties
well, life only gets better when you are older if that can cherish you up a little ?
hm, my language sounds a bit boring no?