Willard wrote:
Mysty wrote:
From reading one post, with one person's perspective, you folks replying think you can judge this guy better than therapists who have actually dealt with him?
Uhm, yes, by actually living INSIDE the disorder, as opposed to observing it from a distance, I think we are often better qualified to point out what it ISN'T.
No, living INSIDE something, is NOT the best place to judge what it looks like from the outside. Remember, she's not in his head. She's not describing what he looks like to himself. She's describing what she sees. Her judgements may be wrong.
Plus, you are talking about AS like it's one thing. It isn't.
not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.