A line I heard on "Dexter".
radclyffe59 wrote:
Not saying this is necessarily true, but here is a line I heard on "Dexter" (tv series about a serial killer):
"...studies show that emotional intelligence plays a greater role in individual success than anything that can be measured on a standard IQ test."
I was wondering if anyone knew anything more about this theory, or had any other thoughts or opinions about it!
(I know it's just part of a script, but it caught my attention...)
"...studies show that emotional intelligence plays a greater role in individual success than anything that can be measured on a standard IQ test."
I was wondering if anyone knew anything more about this theory, or had any other thoughts or opinions about it!
(I know it's just part of a script, but it caught my attention...)
It is something I've heard stated in a variety of ways.
Basically, the key ingredient in understanding is empathy.
forwards not backwards, upwards not forwards, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom
nansnick wrote:
Basically, the key ingredient in understanding is empathy.
I would like to make that statement a bit more specific: the key ingredient in understanding an individual that you have time to listen to is empathy.
A key ingredient in understanding groups is somewhat different, IMHO. I see understanding groups as hard work: as continuous, rapid and unbiased observation as possible and running multiple observation-based explanation models side by side for comparison. A key ingredient for succeeding in groups, IMHO, is choosing groups that have such expressed goals that interest and suit oneself, good enough synchronization/cohesion between individuals' goals and group goals and little discrepancies between expressed goals and the "hidden curriculum".
Other important things are group size, physical environment, and traditions/group habits that one finds personally enjoyable or at least manageable. Naturally, successful groups can choose, promote, discipline, and - if needed - dismiss members: nobody should be able to demand membership if they do not fit the group's goals and/or standards.
Sorry if this is too much leadership/management and organizational psychology jargon - I'm sleepy. If anyone cares to translate the possibly interesting parts into more understandable English, I would be grateful.