This is a difficult question.. Having these new roommates (20 and 23) is driving me absolutely nuts, and I don't know if it's the age thing or not. It is pretty odd that I find it about ten billion times easier to relate to the next-door neighbor, who is older than my parents, than I do to these girls.. But the next door neighbor may be a tiny bit aspie-ish herself. Part of why I like Maria so much is that she'll talk and talk and talk, so I'm not all nervous trying to figure out how to hold a conversation, 'cause she holds up the whole conversation herself. And she's full of advice about sewing.
But also, I think that for a lot of people, getting older means not caring as much about social stuff. I remember a teacher saying that it was so liberating to turn 50, because it means you don't have to care what anybody thinks anymore. So maybe any aspie who isn't still like a kid is just more like they're older?