1. Women do it too
2. The fact they are womne does not make it good
3. Having male genitalia does not mean i have the same mind as others with the same gentalia therefore I can not know why those that do it do it. I only know my mind
To be fair, men do it a lot more often than women, and they also tend to have more natural strength than women and therefore an advantage in a physical struggle. I agree that sexual harrassment at the hands of women exists and is no better than sexual harrassment at the hands of men, but that doesn't change the fact that women are more often victims than men. The fact is, most men and women aren't as obnoxious as the ones in the OP's story. I firmly belive men and women are basically equal, but there are annoying things that are semi-unique to each gender, and by semi-unique I mean they are things that are more likely to occur in one gender than another. Sexual harrassment is more commonly a male behavior, and I also believe women are more likely to be oppressed and degraded by men than the other way around. I(Although it is important to acknowledge that men can be victimized as well, even though they are dominant in most cultures).