Willard wrote:
Faster than days when they had to go to work in a coal mine, or be able to till a row behind a horse and plow by age 10? Or when having babies by age 12 was the norm, because you were expected to turn out a half dozen or more (to work the farm) before 30, since you couldn't be expected to live far beyond 40? I think Western Culture has an unhealthy delusion of childhood innocence and bliss. Its nice work if you can get it, and some of us have been very fortunate in that regard, but its not a birthright.
Kids may be aping grownup dress and behavior earlier than is good for them, but IMO many are not 'growing up' as in maturing psychologically, at all. But I still collect toys at 50, so what the Hell do I know?

Maybe they're maturing at normal rate and we're just trying too hard to deny the extent to which we've aged beyond that level.
kids! Get offa my lawn!

I was gonna say that you beat me to it, but then I noticed how old this thread is.
My mom was considered to be an old maid way back in the day because she waited until she was 19 to get married. I look at most 19 year olds today and think 'if their parents are lucky, this kid will be out of the house by maybe 28.'
The fashion and appearance thing bothers me though. I don't think it's healthy at any age, let alone for a very young child. Just how short are the skirts gonna get before my daughter hits middle school?