sartresue wrote:
Debase debate topic
There are many human beings, some members of this forum, who have been victims of incest, often involving child pornography. There will be psychologcial scars, anger, fear and depression. If I was such a victim, I could have answered very emotionally and perhaps without regard to your feelings.
Your question is not one that can be logically answered with a yes or no, and then go merrily on one's way, unless of course, I was a person who wanted incest to be legal, and then I would mount a huge argument stating why I thought it should be an act for which I am not criminally charged.
I can understand the emotional factor that could come into play, but I don't see how calling me a "sick f**k" would be necessary, especially considering you don't even know how I answered the poll. All I asked was whether or not people thought incest should be legal, and of course I'd encourage debating, but insulting me is where I draw the line.
I don't think this sort of topic should ever be up for debate, there are some very strong reasons why incest is wrong.
Descartes you seem to be oblivious to the pain and suffering inflicted on the victims of incest, since your surprised
at the anger your little poll generates. I am not going to bother calling you a sick f&%# since it obviously only makes