Are there any Old and Very Naïve Aspies out there?

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21 Sep 2011, 5:04 pm

Thank you, Bat, to be honest, I got a better picture from the old term, manic depressive. I could see that their personal roller coaster pulled them waaaay up, then pushed them waaaay down; that in the mid range, you could be talking to such a sweet, charming person, but at either extreme, things just don't make sense; totally different person! I knew someone years ago and learned a lot just seeing the heartbreak her disorder caused everyone around her. I learned that mental illness does not hurt only the one who is diagnosed. Sylkat. :cry:


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21 Sep 2011, 5:09 pm

er borderline personality disorder, i'd think?


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21 Sep 2011, 8:53 pm

Hi, I apologize, I think I hit the 'send' button twice. Emlion, I don't know if it's my computer, or what, but I can only read part of your latest letter...Sylkat :(


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21 Sep 2011, 9:38 pm

Sylkat wrote:
What is a BPD? (Blatantly Pushy Diva?). Sylkat 8O


emlion is right.

borderline personality disorder uses BPD as acronym.

bi-polar disorder uses BD as acronym.

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24 Sep 2011, 3:10 pm

Would you believe I told one of my closest friends, 'I'm just a big kid!', at least 4 years before I figured the AS thing out? People always assume you mean, a kid at heart, but I really meant it.

It is just killing me lately. In some ways, I still think exactly like I did in grade school but with an adult's knowledge and experience.


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24 Sep 2011, 3:27 pm

I am profoundly naive at times, other times I am infinitely wise, sometimes I just want lay down and take a nap...

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24 Sep 2011, 7:20 pm

Yup, that's me! Still naive after all these years, as opposed to crazy. :) People can still lie to my face, and get away with it only a little less than before. I still love to re-read my Nancy Drew books when stressed, I still like to romp with my cat (even though my joints protest) and I still like things that sparkle and glitter. I still like to watch the sunlight make the water from the faucet go all shiny, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I think I am a lot wiser about things than I was say 30 years ago, but there are other things that I still don't get. :? Like when people say they will do a thing, and then boldly blow you off, or smile while saying hurtful comments, or exclude you from events because you are "weird," or make rules and then allow certain people to break them.

P.S. I still don't feel comfortable assigning the word "old" to myself; it just doesn't seem to fit. Anyone else?

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24 Sep 2011, 9:37 pm

Dear Hartzofspace, Except for Nancy Drew, I could have written your letter. Thank you . Sylkat.


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25 Sep 2011, 10:37 am

Also aging and neive. (Can't spell either) Often told people that I am 3 and a half inside, long before I figured out the Aspie thing. Have done a lot of physical work in my life - kind of a special interest, marathon one-woman work projects, and it is hard to see/ feel my physical strength going downhill fast now. Luckily I also like sitting around on my lazy ass at the computer, piano or on the couch staring out the window, so I don't think I'll run out of things to do. As far as being a child inside with an adults knowledge (and deep cynisism at this point) I see this as a blessing in disguise. We are like the kid who saw the emporor had no cloths and blurted out the truth. The world is in big trouble due to all the cruel liars and it's possible that our perspective is going to be very valuble in the near future. Or, I could just be being nieve.


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25 Sep 2011, 4:21 pm

I prefer toys over video games. I play with my pets everyday, only recently did someone comment about it, I thought that was why one has pets, they are friends to have fun with.

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25 Sep 2011, 4:55 pm

Pets are just about the best friends one can have, imho.

And re Toys, Shrox, I entirely agree with you. My favorite toys when I was a child were Block City Blocks. I have, over the years, collected about two dozen sets (buying them on eBay) and during the winter I am happiest building skyscrapers with them, and making new parts for them out of styrene. I have a lot of computer games I enjoy, but there is something about handling the blocks and seeing the physical structure....

I've been thinking about this topic, about naïveté, that I'm sure has been expressed her a lot, but has been vexing me since I was in my 20s. When someone tells me they will be here at 12:00, and then show up whenever they get around to it, if at all, why am I picked on as being "naïve" and then picked on again for asking why someone told me they would do something and knowingly lied to me? When I was young I lost a few food friends because I expected people to be true to what they said. Sad world...


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25 Sep 2011, 5:41 pm

To the above , sorry not big on the whole quoting thing

Being a kid at heart is a blessing . Toys, too numerous to list Finally figured out I'm aspie

Pets, 2 cats, :wtg:

"poetry is the only acceptable way to say one thing and mean another."

Nieve beyond belief, to just how two faced people are and how much they lie. I don't fall for those trick hardly anymore though,
smile while saying hurtful comments, I'm stupid ?????

.I have grown to dispise "bad acting" as well as "acting badly"
instead shall I point it out?, as the rotten old man that I feel I am becoming?

"I feel as if I am walking in the rain, everyone else has an umbrella
but I do not, I am soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold."


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25 Sep 2011, 6:30 pm

Hi, Everyone, I am really liking this discussion or forum or?...I see so much of me here! the topic of toys is a good one; I think I (we?) think better when we touch or handle something; example, some games I really didn't like when I needed to use a mouse are FUN now that I got an IPad and use the touchscreen..somehow, it's more natural or more real. About pets, they are my best friends, and the cuddling, purring, lap-sitting are tactile expressions of love. Sylkat :D

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25 Sep 2011, 6:37 pm

Ah, iPad! The greatest Cat Toy ever invented! I enjoy it too. I do enjoy that it's tactile... to the point that while working, using my iMac, I start wondering why things don't move when I touch them. Cats and iPads, they were made for each other, and me, too! I have ten cats (I live on a farm on a highway; people just "drop off" animals here. We can afford to keep them, so we do.).

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25 Sep 2011, 7:30 pm

I don't know what I would do without a cat. My current cat is very vocal, and always can tell when I am ill or upset. That is when she is quiet and comforting!

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25 Sep 2011, 10:51 pm

Its quite ashtonishing how well my cat knows me.
He will do all the dog tricks he knows, to cheer me up
Other times raise a paw and put it on my leg, as if to say "you ok?"

I lived on a farm/orchard as a kid and had 30+ cats. My mom tried to name them all and had to resort to using presidents names

"Theodore" was one that I still remember...
and "The 2 Beige Brothers" twins we couldn't tell apart

"I feel as if I am walking in the rain, everyone else has an umbrella,
but I do not. I am soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold."