Solvejg wrote:
Actually I get this all the time. Or as soon as I say i have a long term boyfriend (Wow, it still seems like yesterday we got together but it is over 6 months a while ago), I get the whole "Are you planning to get married? Are you happy you have found a new father for your kids." I always respond i have no interest in getting married again. It the last thing from my mind. Why is marriage so great anyway?
I love my boyfriend to bits and in the future i would love for him to join into my family unit but i am happy with how we are now. We see each other when we are not busy and talk all the time, he is my new best friend and i can talk to him about anything. I am sick of the assumption i need to bet re-married and have a daddy for my kids. I even have my male mates offering to marry me so i am not alone.
MV, if you want you can see you are seeing a hot aussie woman and plan to get married in the future when we get the funds to move overseas.
I'm going to use this, just because it's you. And I'm going to trot out your picture, to show everyone! I bet they'll be buying me (congratulatory) drinks by the end of the night!
Yeah, I don't get the whole "you need a new daddy for your kids" thing. 1) my kids have a very-involved daddy already (I know that's not everyone's experience, but me and ex- are 50/50) and 2) it takes me forever to let someone into
my personal space, what makes you think I'm going to let a guy into my
children's lives, without serious proof of good intentions/nondouchebaggery?