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07 Mar 2014, 8:35 am

I started what I thought was male pattern baldness at 19. However, it turns out it was caused by a combination of hashimoto disease and extreme stress from college. If you can see small hairs in the areas that you are loosing hair, then you are not balding.

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08 Mar 2014, 11:27 am

I'm slowly getting there as well. Just accept it and keep it buzzed or shaved; be proud of your testosterone and tell the girly men who make fun of your hair loss to go f*ck themselves.


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08 Mar 2014, 11:52 am

ithraen wrote:
estrogen and spironolacton... sure you'll grow hips and breasts... but hey you'll have a full head of hair =D

sorry to hear about the hair loss, but honestly i started to lose mine when i was 16, right before i started taking hormones. though they were unrelated issues...

It's good you were able to start hormones early in the process and not have to deal with transition with alopecia.

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30 Jan 2015, 2:11 am

Hair transplant is the permanent solution of male baldness pattern.. It is the best solution if a men or women suffer from baldness problem. But your age is short to undergo a surgical treatment.. A guy must 22 and above who want to undergo this treatment . So you can take other non-surgical treatments such Low Laser therapy or meso-therapy to get rid from this problem. You can also take minoxidil to regrow your hairs. I advised you consult a good hair doctor who have adequate experience in this sector... He/she give you exact solution of it..

Do you what is hair transplant cost in a reputed Hair clinic.


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01 Feb 2015, 12:15 am

My hairline started receding around 15; major hair loss started around 19.

I don't even shave my face, let alone my head. Too much hassle, and I don't really do primping. If I wasn't supposed to look like a cross between a gorilla and a grizzly bear with a thinning pate, I wouldn't have to work at not looking that way.

My wife takes the clippers to my hair whenever we feel like it. Sometimes every week, sometimes every eighteen months or so.

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20 May 2015, 1:14 am

Hair Baldness may arise in any age or any one men women but main thing is that to rectify why it is arise thru which problem and then its solutions.
Do you Need any help Fue Hair Transplant is a permanent solutions of hair baldness


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22 May 2015, 12:41 am

I was noticeably going bald at age 16, even though as a kid I had a thick mop of hair.

I already wasn't social so it never really bothered me until I was in my 20's and wanted to be found attractive by girls, so I simply started shaving my head...

I didn't really like the sensation of the clippers, but it seemed better than going to a hair dressers.... I ended up getting a set of dog clippers, which aren't as bad, they don't pull as much and the hum they make isn't as off putting.

I now sport my bald head and full beard, my GF prefers it, as apparently I look like a man and not a boy.

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26 May 2015, 12:06 pm

I started losing my hair at 18. In my high school senior pics, I still had a full head of blond hair; by the end of the year it was already sparse, and I'm pretty much bald on top now that I'm 30.

You can try different things now...rogaine, rosemary oil in your shampoo, etc.
But if you're like me and nothing really works except the extremely costly alternative of surgical hairplugs, etc; I'd say just embrace it. Comb-overs and such just look bad and accentuate that you are uncomfortable and insecure about your appearance.
A tight buzz cut or totally shaved head is a very appealing look to many people, and might be something to try after a few years and you've lost more hair.
I used to dread losing that hair, but I'm cool with my sleek bald top now.

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20 Jun 2015, 12:35 am

Hair transplant is best treatment to cure baldness problem in men and women.

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23 May 2017, 1:49 am

Hair is an important part of your personality and adds on towards your personality outlook. Therefore, keeping your hair healthy is necessary besides, prevention of hair loss. Avoiding stress, improving your lifestyle, intake of a protein-rich diet can actually help you to take care of your hair. In addition, you should have a clean and healthy scalp which forms the ground for healthy growth of hair. Hair transplant becomes necessary where there is bald scalp. This is what NHT is doing from last 5 years. We are the reputed hair transplant clinic in Pune. Hair transplant has becomes affordable surgery these days. Your baldness can be treated with below methods:

FUE Hair Transplant
FUT Hair Transplant
Robotic Hair Transplant

Hair transplant in Pune


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23 May 2017, 9:55 pm

^ I was curious about hair "resewing," not that I'm balding anywhere particularly, more that I have a gripe with the shape of my hairline at the front. It doesn't seem to match my face. It's a silly self conscious thing I know I probably shouldn't worry about but it just annoys me and makes me uncomfortable. I read that they take hair follicles from the back of your head near the neck line where follicles are denser and resew it into your hairline. So no awful classic "plugs" with plastic hair where you look like a crop field.
I was / am considering this as the hairline is just a small area so likely won't be all that expensive, BUT the catch is you have to go in for a consultation so they can give you a proper quote depending on what you want and what's going on with our hair, and I'd be all embarrassed ...
How expensive is this sort of thing usually?

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23 May 2017, 10:03 pm

For the guys here sweating baldness, a good portion of women find it attractive, and it's actually sign of high testosterone levels, so the response to any male attacking you for it is: 'why are your estrogen levels so high?'


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26 May 2017, 7:47 pm

Not worth stressing about. Shave it off, polish your smooth scalp so it's nice and shiny and wear it with confidence. No pissing about with tonics, pills and special shampoos.

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26 Aug 2017, 2:23 am

Hello, I would like to advise you don't be sad if you are losing your hair in age of 19. Everyone have some issues in their life. You must concern from your doctor regarding hair loss problem. They will suggest you better than anyone. Hair transplant is best solution of hair loss. But you are under age and you have to wait for 4 to 5 years for transplantation. At present you can go for medical treatments.


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17 Oct 2017, 9:08 am

My hairline is receading. Feel bad but alchohol helps.