What is it about AS that makes people hunger for a diagnosis

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01 Dec 2013, 7:09 pm

I blame the hipsters, you know it;s getting out of hand when gta touch wood.

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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02 Dec 2013, 12:56 am

binaryodes wrote:
He's saying that the fact that aspies are bullied suggests that our peers dont consider us to be the next "in thing"

In my case I had accepted that I was different then [than] most people in the ways society deems more important[,] ie social skills decades before my diagnoses. What the diagnoses has done has has given me a path to realize how pervasive my differences are so now I have a fuller explanation for why my life has been the way it has been. The style and topics of conversation with others on the spectrum are closer to what I like. Moreover for the first time in my life I am able to talk about certain very personal topics without fear of ridicule with people who may have had similar experiences. This produces quite a bit of bonding.

Above is a "revised" copy of the paragraph. Punctuated for you.

Thank you for "translating" . I have been writing for NT's for decades now so I have adapted their indirect writing styles which may make it very hard for my peers on the spectrum to understand me. Also my motor coordination is poor so I type poorly. I also have a habit of typing the same word twice on occasion. I am not sure why these typing issues occur but I think it has something to do with my neurological differences. When I am tired or in a rush these problems are more noticeable.

Please continue to ask if you do not understand what I wrote.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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02 Dec 2013, 8:00 am

Bodyles wrote:
b9 wrote:
Bodyles wrote:
Then why bother joining and participating in a community of aspies and autistics, b9?

because i like talking on occasions. i am not concerned with whether i get replies any more.
i know that what i wrote will be read by a few people, and i guess i do like it when i imagine someone reading and "getting" what i say.

That's validation. You say you don't need validation (see quote below) and yet you just contradicted that.

b9 wrote:
i do not have a low opinion of people. i think most people are very nice and "acceptable" (an open glitch for you to burrow into if you are that way inclined).
i do not have any physical maladies and i always amuse myself with what i think, so people are not vital elements to my satisfaction, but i do like them.

people are fascinating if i take the time to examine them. each one has a different personality.

i realize now that i am not the only sentient being in the universe (which i surmised i was when i was a child) and if i was consigned to life on a planet with no humans on it, i would probably start to wonder whether it is fruitful to follow any philosophical train of thought. philosophy just means "love of thought" and i love thinking, but if their was no one who could ever be able to be told what i thought, then i would probably stop thinking.

All of that is fine, but doesn't really answer my question.
You can talk about things on many, many, many forums on the internet.

You stated:
b9 wrote:
anyway, i do not feel part of a club. i always stand alone in my own world and no one lives near my mind. i do not need to feel validated by assigning myself to a club of other people.

Yet you've joined and you post on a forum dedicated to people with a specific disorder you've been diagnosed with.
That's the same as joining a club and participating in it.
Why do so unless you're looking for validation/advice/responses from others in the same boat?

If you really just wanted to talk there are plenty of generic places to do so.
You, instead, chose to join and post on a forum specifically for people like you.
It seems like you just don't want to admit that the reasons you did so have to do with wanting to belong and getting some validation.

b9 wrote:
Bodyles wrote:
Those actions seem to directly contradict your statements.

i answered you with thought and consideration, so you are wrong.

i read what you said and i responded

Just because you responded doesn't mean that I'm incorrect.
I believe my rebuttal clearly shows the holes in your explanation.

b9 wrote:
Bodyles wrote:
To parasitically phrase the Bard, "Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much."

what understanding of shakespeare do you have? your blind application of that phrase to quote my post is rather banal because it is ineffectual..

what ruddy damned blinking ever!!

I said 'paraphrase' not 'parasitically phrase'.
Please do not misquote me.

I think my application of that phrase was quite germaine to my supposition that you say you don't care about joining a 'club' and don't need that kind of validation, yet your actions seem to contradict that.
Given that the origins of that phrase refer to someone being insincere and that the colloquial usage is a general way of saying that, I think it's perfectly appropos.

I apologize that my question upset you.
I assure you that was not my intent, it just seems like you made some statements which your actions don't seem to match and I wanted to understand why that was.

yeah whatever. i am not interested now in the conversation.


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02 Dec 2013, 8:17 am

double post

Last edited by b9 on 02 Dec 2013, 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Dec 2013, 10:19 am

previous to me going for a formal dx, i got asked whether i would want one given that im relatively well functioning, to which i gave an obvious yes.

The person that asked was smiling when i said that because she expected me to say that. It's related to black and white thinking is my guess, and to do with having things "formal".

I saw this site years ago and even though i was relatively sure i had autism, the thought of posting here without any kind of formal dx seemed completely wrong in my eyes. I never felt i had a right to post unless i had some kind of formal dx, until that moment i could have my belief challenged and i would have no right to argue my side of things.

its purely an autistic thing imo, its about the release and closure that formal confirmation gives.

b9 wrote:
yeah whatever. i am not interested now in the conversation.

i understand b9s point of view. I have always been fascinated by humans. Every new thing in the world was created by a person. It's just that i find that in general i have more interest in the things that people create than the people themselves.

The things people create, its like years worth of work all condensed. People themselves, no matter how brilliant, are just too inefficient outside of the things they create.

I enjoy the books that took years for someone to write but only took me a few days to read so much more than i could ever enjoy the people themselves.

as for these forums, and talking when i know that nobody ever reads, i think that at least someone COULD be reading and just that possibility has me verbalising more thoughts than i ever could if i KNEW that nobody was reading. Just the chance changes my world a little and makes me a little more open to communicating. At times in my life when ive KNOWN that there was nobody that could understand me i havent even attempted to develop my communication skills and thats true for scary massive chunks of my life. i had so little in the way of words when i was 15 and i really didnt even attempt to develop things at that point and it didnt even bother me because i didnt have a reason at all to develop them.

its just nice to have that not quite completely closed off view of the world when in previous times ive KNOWN that nobody could understand the things i say.

I talk but its for me and not anyone else and it doesnt matter a whole lot if people read what i put, its the change in my perception of whether its worth talking that makes things different for me and motivates me to talk crap when yes i pretty much know that nobody ever really reads or understands what i say.


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02 Dec 2013, 6:18 pm

B9 needs a hug , finished off with a dove steak in pigeon sauce :wink:

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03 Dec 2013, 8:28 am

aussiebloke wrote:
B9 needs a hug , finished off with a dove steak in pigeon sauce :wink:

so i am an animal lover and i also eat meat and you feel entitled to prank me about the matter.
chuck your guts over ruveyn who has not a scintilla of concern for the rights of animals.
the last thing i need is a hug. hugs are like social straight jackets, and i am claustrophobic.

hug yourself. you will get more joy from that than trying to hug me.


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03 Dec 2013, 4:29 pm

b9 wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
B9 needs a hug , finished off with a dove steak in pigeon sauce :wink:

so i am an animal lover and i also eat meat and you feel entitled to prank me about the matter.
chuck your guts over ruveyn who has not a scintilla of concern for the rights of animals.
the last thing i need is a hug. hugs are like social straight jackets, and i am claustrophobic.

hug yourself. you will get more joy from that than trying to hug me.

of cause i tease, :) had no idea ruveyn held these views. 8O , at least his honest and i can respect him for that , nothing makes me more angry than faux caring.

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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03 Dec 2013, 5:03 pm

b9 wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
B9 needs a hug , finished off with a dove steak in pigeon sauce :wink:

so i am an animal lover and i also eat meat and you feel entitled to prank me about the matter.
chuck your guts over ruveyn who has not a scintilla of concern for the rights of animals.
the last thing i need is a hug. hugs are like social straight jackets, and i am claustrophobic.

hug yourself. you will get more joy from that than trying to hug me.

Um, I'm sorry but how does ruveyn come into this discussion at all?


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03 Dec 2013, 5:36 pm

mikassyna wrote:
b9 wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
B9 needs a hug , finished off with a dove steak in pigeon sauce :wink:

so i am an animal lover and i also eat meat and you feel entitled to prank me about the matter.
chuck your guts over ruveyn who has not a scintilla of concern for the rights of animals.
the last thing i need is a hug. hugs are like social straight jackets, and i am claustrophobic.

hug yourself. you will get more joy from that than trying to hug me.

Um, I'm sorry but how does ruveyn come into this discussion at all?

dont think its related to this thread, it sounds like theres history there.


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03 Dec 2013, 7:36 pm


their is despite of his put downs of me for having a low iq he doesn't seem to understand the laws of supply and demand.

What ever

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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03 Dec 2013, 8:14 pm

woodster wrote:
mikassyna wrote:
b9 wrote:
aussiebloke wrote:
B9 needs a hug , finished off with a dove steak in pigeon sauce :wink:

so i am an animal lover and i also eat meat and you feel entitled to prank me about the matter.
chuck your guts over ruveyn who has not a scintilla of concern for the rights of animals.
the last thing i need is a hug. hugs are like social straight jackets, and i am claustrophobic.

hug yourself. you will get more joy from that than trying to hug me.

Um, I'm sorry but how does ruveyn come into this discussion at all?

dont think its related to this thread, it sounds like theres history there.

i should not have mentioned ruveyn, but i remember him saying recently that animals have no rights because they are stupid. if aussie bloke wants to harass me about my attitude to animals, then he should pick a more suitable target. i should not post when i am tired.

aussiebloke wrote:

their is despite of his put downs of me for having a low iq he doesn't seem to understand the laws of supply and demand.

What ever

i never have mentioned your IQ. i have never said anything derogatory about you.

i eat meat like many others on this forum do. i eat steak and sausages and hamburgers etc, but i also posted youtube videos of me feeding my animal friends, and you immediately locked on to my apparent hypocrisy and have dogged me about it ever since.

i do not dislike you, but you seem to dislike me. you seem innocuous to me, but i know i am an easy target because i am not popular on this forum and no one will stand in defense of me.

no one here knows who i am in real life, and so people here who dislike me are just words on a screen.



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03 Dec 2013, 8:18 pm


I don't dislike you I just find it odd I guess we will have to leave it at that

waht ever :D

I'm sure you will love my dove his adorable :) I wont wink at you cause I recall your not fond of that . (I do recall you like birds)

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03 Dec 2013, 8:47 pm

aussiebloke wrote:

I don't dislike you I just find it odd I guess we will have to leave it at that

waht ever :D

I'm sure you will love my dove his adorable :) I wont wink at you cause I recall your not fond of that . (I do recall you like birds)

i am sure i would love your dove too. i could never kill an animal to eat it's meat, but i know that it is somewhat ignorant of me to buy already dead meat at the butchers.

i love all animals. i have a huntsman spider on my wall at the moment and it gives me the creeps, but i would never hurt it and i feel sorry for it.

most people hate mice and rats as well, but i love them. at my previous house i had a family of mice. their population always remained in check because they did not have an unlimited food supply. mice are very clean animals and they spend ages washing themselves.
the innocence in a mouses eyes makes me weak at the knees.
here they are and i am extremely sad that i could not take them with me.
i hate the council for resuming my house. it was later resold to a chinese woman who had them eliminated. so much hurt is associated with real love.



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03 Dec 2013, 11:09 pm


I like to grab his beak and he puffs up like a balloon and starts shaking with joy , I let go and he starts to peck my fingers and so it goes on , funny I have to play on his terms when I'm up for it often he turns his nose (or beak) at me , his just llike a cat in that respect, I should film it and put it on You Tube.

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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03 Dec 2013, 11:15 pm

those mice are cute, i would have trapped them and taken them with me (keep them inclosed in a cage perhaps ?)

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob