I greet you
No. I cannot relate, because my experience is this.
I have one friend, my wife, the smart one. I have three adult kids and three grandkids. My relationships with the adults, save my hard working, unheralded wife, are on life support. We are all sort of holding our breath to see who pulls the plug. If my children are sensible, they will do it and get out before I have another meltdown which finishes it off.
I do not seem to be one of those older Aspies who got some skills as they aged. If you go to heartless aspergers, you will read all about me. Of course her sweeping generalizations are false by form, just substitute some or most when she says things like always, never, all, no etc. Perhaps one of mine will publish the definitive work describing the miseries of being the son or daughter of an Aspie.
The fact is, I have been the cause of untold misery in the lives of those unwise or unfortunate enough to have become closely associated with me. My diagnosis offers no comfort. It does not seem to be given to me to thrive.
Any for whom this sounds familiar, please let me know. Is it discourteous to ask a question within the reply to another question?
Be well
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. Albert Einstein
S. Dana Johnson