I hate society

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I got what felt like an unnatural response when people found out about the cancer.
Because I’m so used to being berated and ridiculed for my mental health struggles, it just didn’t seem real.
It was a hell of a lot easier to deal with than my daily hell of what’s going on in my own head.
I had a stroke and cancer. The stroke was very mild and left me with a bit of a limp but suddenly people were opening up doors for me and just being more accommodating. I was rejected for benifits twice for Aspergers but with a little limp I got approved. That was a good thing because the cancer was not mild.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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Have you found a difference in the way people treat your physical issues compared to your non physical issues?
Aren’t you tired of people telling you that your struggles only make you stronger?
most of the time people just disregard all of my issues honestly. it gets on my nerves.
I got what felt like an unnatural response when people found out about the cancer.
Because I’m so used to being berated and ridiculed for my mental health struggles, it just didn’t seem real.
It was a hell of a lot easier to deal with than my daily hell of what’s going on in my own head.
I had a stroke and cancer. The stroke was very mild and left me with a bit of a limp but suddenly people were opening up doors for me and just being more accommodating. I was rejected for benifits twice for Aspergers but with a little limp I got approved. That was a good thing because the cancer was not mild.
In your case, the stroke and cancer sound terrible. I have mixed opinions about getting benefits from aspergers.
certain things mastered by certain ages. I just want to live my life. I don't want to compete. Society makes life out to be this big game that none of us chose to play. None of us chose to be born or play this game that society is making us play. I don't believe in conformity and I think everyone should live their lives as they choose. There should be no rush for anything. No one should be judged how they live their life. Some people may get to these milestones later in life or never at all and that should be ok.
Most people get their licence at different times. I got mine ar 18 and my sister still does not have it, she is 38.
Again I lost my virginity at 21 but after high school, who cares, no one knows your sexual activity until you tell them, so dont tell them.
I know lots of people who live at home even today over 40.
Most of the people I went to school with still rent I was one of the lucky ones
You are setilting yourself up
Pileated woodpecker

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What I have done, is learned that what society says is just absurd, and meaningless. I have learned not to care if other people thing I'm weird or different. All those societal expectations are based on the assumption that one is neurotypical anyway, so the way I look at it, they don't apply in my case. A lot of that stuff comes from movies, books, TV shows, etc, which is all fictional anyway.

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certain things mastered by certain ages. I just want to live my life. I don't want to compete. Society makes life out to be this big game that none of us chose to play. None of us chose to be born or play this game that society is making us play. I don't believe in conformity and I think everyone should live their lives as they choose. There should be no rush for anything. No one should be judged how they live their life. Some people may get to these milestones later in life or never at all and that should be ok.
Who cares what society wants? If society has a problem with how old I was when I got my driver's liscence or lost my virginity than society can jump in a lake.
The days are long, but the years are short
We are supposed to have our driver's license by 16 ❌
Never got it because I could not afford it. Am 30 and I still can´t afford it, because I am too disabled to work in several ways.
Move out of our home by 18 ✅
I was kicked out . My parents had divorced and we didn´t know I was an Aspie then, my dad just told me to not come home anymore some day (he is abusive) and I landed in a squatting house until I got my first studio to stay in. I am still living in such a place today.
Establish ourselves by our early 20s ❌
In my early 20´s I had no idea who I was or where I was going. Bereft of normal family relationships, f*cked in the head because of my abusive upbringing, living on benefits and in and out of mental hospitals. Not exactly the state of things society expects, indeed. I am only starting to establish myself and understand myself now I am in my 30s.
Lose our virginity before 25 or whatever age society deems as "normal," ✅
Yes, way too early. My first time having sex was when I was 14, with a guy of 17 in a park. I hadn´t learned anything about normal relationships, and had no way to protect myself against social predators being an aspie who didn´t know she was one.
Get married ❌
Probably never will. I´m not attracted to men (found that out later too) and I have trouble finding a woman accomodating to my aspie traits. Plus I am happy single even at 30, so I doubt this will happen. It can however, gay marriage is legal where I live. Having kids is out of the question, I am infertile and don´t want them.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 152 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 64 of 200

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But sometimes I have to remind myself over and over again, especially after an encounter with my precious cousins, who all travelled the world from age 10, got their first job at 15, got a partner who looks like an actual super-model at 16 and bought their first car at 17 (a nicer and more expe sive car than any I've ever owned). And none of cousins is ever even slightly overweight!

But I still own more videos games then all of them put together

The days are long, but the years are short
Tufted Titmouse
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I did all the above and I was miserable!
Let me tell you a secret...so are a lot of other people they just don’t have the courage to admit to themselves or anyone else.
I am now a 32 year old exotic dancer with no plans of quitting so long as I’m making $$$
I don’t want kids and will never get married or be in a relationship again.
It’s kinda lonely now, but I assume at 50 -I’ll definitely be done dancing by then-I’ll have more friends after women divorce their husbands and their kids move out.
I happier than most people I know. I don’t have any debt and I’m not in the corporate rat race. Most of my dancer friends have degrees and they still work because the money is better.
A typical aspie i was way too honest about my job and now have been ostracized from my community. That was a big mistake. I applied as a personal trainer and told them I was in sales- the guy just laughed.
Being a dancer has taught me how to to pretend to be normal and fun like othe normies.
I don’t use my use dancer persona in real life and couldn’t make friends. Women hate me and men just want to have sex. I’d rather me alone than have fake friends.
As long as I’m happy and able to pay my own way f**k what anyone else thinks of my life choices.
One of my favorite dancer friends says-If your not feeding me or f*****g me then your opinion doesn’t matter.
After having people slut shame me for years when anyone tries to tell me some BS about how I “should” live my life I just roll my eyes.
99% of the time people are projecting their own programming and it has nothing to do with me.
I’m not gonna wallow in self pity; I’m gonna do the best to change the things I can.
People can laugh and “should me” as much as they want. I don’t care. If I’m okay with me that’s all that matters.
Milestones are overrated!! ! Most people don't find out until it's too late.
I tried pigeon-holing myself into other people's vision for my life and in the end I became miserable.
After a "hallelujah" moment at 27, I'm a much happier person at 30 and look forward to a decade most people dread. I was hopeless at job interviews when having to explain gaps in my CV - being way too honest seems to make people a little uncomfortable
My friendships and finance leave much to be desired but again... I'm much happier not having debt and especially not being a slave to the rat race. As long as I'm paying my way and taking care of my business, screw everyone else!!
Life is too short for that sh*t!!
I could go on but I'm done wallowing in self pity and valuing the opinions of mouth-breathers. I am slowly working on the things I can change and that's all that matters.
certain things mastered by certain ages. I just want to live my life. I don't want to compete. Society makes life out to be this big game that none of us chose to play. None of us chose to be born or play this game that society is making us play. I don't believe in conformity and I think everyone should live their lives as they choose. There should be no rush for anything. No one should be judged how they live their life. Some people may get to these milestones later in life or never at all and that should be ok.
Oh yeah, and by our 40's, well we are just supposed to have it all in proper order, and our lives should be perfect.
I don't even like driving anymore, traffic just frustrates the %^&*%%% out of me.
"move out"? and back in, and out, and back in, now I have no career, no way to make money and my 79 year old dad pays all my bills. yeah, I'm "out"in an apartment, but I can't pay for it. I have no hope for making money. I have no resume, haven't worked in years. back problems keep me out of lot of jobs, prevents me from even doing much of my own on my personal projects, all of which are abandoned.
I WAS going to write all kinds of cool software, and build robots.
Somewhere in the I lost hope. Why even bother?
Society is screwed up anyway, there really is no future to look foreword to anymore, the 21st century is a huge disappointment.
And every time you read the news it gets worse. The whole world is just getting dumber. Mike Judge was right with "Idiocracy", just a few years off.
I got so miserable comparing myself to my peers and how far they got in life and how far i got. yeah, all those "shoulds", then I look at those I grew up with and how They got somewhere in life and I didn't.
Society say, it's all my fault, they are right. It is. I should have tried harder. i should have lived "healthier". I should have tried to be more social. I just didn't put out enough resumes, or "pound the pavement" enough.
Society sucks, i suck, everything sucks. i just want to die now. Life just isn't worth it.

And, haven't been laid in 18 years, and that was the only one.

There is no hope for love either.

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I've reached a couple of those milestones but not at the correct age as society likes to put it. Those rules are for the typical population. They're not for me. Also once you reach a certain age, NT society expects you to put away all the fun stuff and act your age and gender. I will never do that.
The Family Enigma

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