I worry about my future too. Security is one of my biggest essentials in life, and the thought of being forced out on the streets terrifies me to the point of freaking out. I wouldn't survive 5 minutes in cold temperatures, as I almost pass out from being cold when I'm wrapped up in a coat, scarf, hat, gloves and boots when waiting for a bus on a freezing cold day.
I don't think anyone should be forced to be homeless. For most of us, homelessness is terrifying. The streets of most Essex cities scare me, which is one reason why I don't go out at night. I don't really want to be laying in doorways of shops with a begging bowl, for all to gawk at when they walk by. I don't deserve to live like that. I am an honest, reliable, hard-working person who just wants to live in a warm and secure place with all of my home comforts and loving people around me.
I know a girl who was once homeless, and her experience frightens me. She wasn't on the streets, but she was temporarily living in this shelter for homeless women, and there was a lot of trouble there. There was aggressive women with severe emotional issues and drug addictions, and luckily this girl was quite tough otherwise she would have been prey for all of these angry women. I wouldn't last 5 minutes in one of those either. I'm not as low as that as a person. I have never taken drugs and I don't drink alcohol, and I am timid but good and kind to everyone, and I am 'down to Earth' and like to live life in an honest way by working hard and being responsible. Living with lowlife, angry, gobby, chavvy drug-addicts is really not my sort of environment. At all. And if some greedy and stubborn rich person from the government turfs me out of my home just because I have Asperger's, anxiety and ADHD and can only work certain amount of hours in a menial sort of job because that's all I can find but I'm finding it hard to find the money for all the rent and bills that just increase every year, then I will kick off.
This is why I haven't brought myself a car despite having a driver's license. Running a car eats up a lot of your money, and I am extremely responsible with my money that I save up, and I want to keep those savings just in case I do end up homeless one day. It's only a few thousand but it's better than nothing if I need to fight to not become homeless.
That is how scared s**tless I am of becoming homeless.