Ticker wrote:
Or maybe this post should be entitled- "How Not to Look Like Bozo the CLown?"
Problem Solved!
Early on when I started dating the beautiful young woman who became my wife, We were going to go somewhere in warm fall weather. When we met on the lawn out front, she looked at me and said "You can't go like that!"
I responded with something like "Why not, shorts and a short sleeve shirt, what's wrong with that? I'm warm enough"
"Not that" she said, "You are wearing two different plaids"
"You can't wear two different plaids, they clash!"
"Oh," I said followed by the thought... (hmmm maybe that why they look at me like I'm a geek.)"
So how did I solve the problem? I married my newly found fashion adviser. So far it is still working 42 years later !
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer